ITB Fast Track Students Received Student Award Special Mention at the 2020 ISOCARP World Congress
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - The ITB team consisting of three students of the PWK ITB fast track program namely Amanda Dian W. Kusumawardani, Dimas Muhammad Fachryza, and Muhammad Haidar managed to make proud achievements by winning the Student Award Special Mention at the ISOCARP World Congress 2020.
The ISOCARP World Congress is one of the main activities of the international association of urban and regional planning professionals ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners) which is attended by 500-750 delegates of professional planners and practitioners of regional and urban planning. Since 2016, there has been the ISOCARP Student Award, which awards undergraduate and master's students who have innovative work in the planning and urban area.
This year, this award was given by the ISOCARP jury consisting of two young planners, experienced ISOCARP members, board members and scientific committee members, namely Rouve Bingle (Indonesia) and Divya Chopra (India) as Young Planning Professionals (YPPs), Mahak Agrawal (India), Malgorzata Hanzl (Poland), Council of members, and Nasim Iranmanesh (Iran).
The ITB team became the only representative from Indonesia and won the title from 25 other teams from all over the world. The ITB team raised the topic "Innovative Water and Sanitation Management System to Establish a Green, Beautiful and Self - Reliant Urban Informal Settlement (A Case Study of Lebak Siliwangi, Bandung, Indonesia). This paper is based on the ITB Team's concern for the people of Lebak Siliwangi who still have difficulty accessing basic infrastructure such as sanitation, clean water and wastewater.
To overcome this problem, the ITB Team proposed the concept of "The Green, Beautiful, and Self-Reliant Lebak Siliwangi" This concept is an innovation of water and sanitation management systems to realize the naturalization of the drainage network system, the development of green open spaces that also function as natural reservoirs, and application of the Zero Delta Q concept. This concept requires every infrastructure (building or house) to prevent runoff from entering the drainage system or river system, by being retained, treated and used first.
In addition, this concept also includes the Rain Water Harvesting concept, so that, apart from serving to provide a more appropriate open space for the community and also to improve aesthetics and environmental quality through natural means, this concept seeks to be able to utilize rainwater as a source of daily raw water community day.
The paper created by the ITB Team was originally the result of the ITB Team group project at the Joint Studio SAPPK ITB and the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney which was carried out online from 27 March to 2 May 2020. This paper was prepared for approximately 4 week from April to early May 2020. The ITB team won the Best Student Award at the Joint Studio so that the results of the project were exhibited at an exhibition at the University of Sydney on June 5, 2020. It is planned that the ITB Team represented by Amanda Dian will present a paper- on December 10, online at the Award Session series: Gerd Albers Award and Student Award Presentations.
Reporter:You One Van Tomi (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota, 2017)
Translator: Elisabeth Sirumapea (Management, 2020)