In Commemoration of 1 Shawwal 1443 H, ITB Holds Halal Bihalal Activities and ITB Talks
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Bandung Institute of Technology once again held ITB Talks in the event of halalbihalal along with lecturers as well as ITB leaders. This event was held on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 and was divided into two sessions. The first event was held from 07.30 to 09.00 WIB as a halal bihalal event in Plaza Widya Nusantara, ITB Ganesha campus.
After the “bersalam-salam” event with the entire ITB academic community, the event continued with the second session from 10.00 to 11.00 WIB which was held online via Zoom Meeting and broadcasted live on the Bandung Institute of Technology's Youtube account.
The event was opened by presenter Nanan Hendayana, A.Md., SAP. with a brief speech as well as an explanation of this ITB Talks event’s theme, which is "Working as Worship in Higher Education". It was then continued by a reading of the holy verses of the Quran by the Young Imam of the Salman Mosque, Ustaz Muhammad Fajar Sutisna. The recitation of the holy verses of the Quran took place solemnly.
In her speech, ITB Rector Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., wished a happy Eid Al-Fitr 1443 H and also wished for forgiveness to the entire ITB academic community.
Prof. Reini also expressed her gratitude for the willingness of the invited guests and the ITB family who were present at the halal bihalal event held in the morning directly at the ITB Ganesha Campus. "There were so many new faces that we have just met again after almost two years (of not meeting) at ITB," said Prof. Reini.
Prof. Reini was grateful for the government's policy which has begun to loosen the PPKM policy so that meeting directly with family and relatives is now possible. She hopes that this moment can be an encouragement and give new energy to continue striving to achieve goals even more diligently.
Prof. Reini said that working is not just to obtain worldly transactional material, yet is also one way or bridge for us to reach a good afterlife. “Hopefully we can work with more synergy and perform even better, which we together have always been striving for at ITB. InsyaAllah, all of our synergistic work and superior performances can make a very significant contribution and impact on the development of the people of Indonesia, our beloved homeland. Of course, with the blessing of Allah SWT," she concluded. To close her speech, Prof. Reini invites everyone to make ITB a better 'home'.
Tausiyah by Gus Wafiq
ITB Talks: Halal bihalal invites K.H. Ahmad Muwafiq or often called Gus Wafiq. This event was guided by the moderator and also Dean of FCEE ITB, Ir. Edwan Kardena, Ph. D.
Tausiyah was opened with Gus Wafiq's explanation regarding the basic concepts of worship, in accordance with the tausiyah theme, "Working as Worship in Higher Education". He explained that the basic concept of worship is the devotion of a servant to their Lord. Many things are considered as worship and cannot be separated from worldly things since they are after all done in this world. He gave an example for haji; people doing it would need transportation in the form of an airplane which is the result of combining ideas, knowledge, and technology.
Humans descended to Earth equipped with knowledge and one of the biggest tasks ITB has to do is to be a space that can bring and maintain that knowledge. ITB does not need to hesitate in producing experts who will make it easier for humans to worship.
“The world becomes more stable, simple, and easy due to people who have knowledge. Therefore, the position of knowledge is truly amazing," concluded Gus Wafiq. The event was closed by the appearance of Vivat Academia FSRD ITB, who performed a song titled Eid Mubarak (Berlebaran).
Reporter: Camilla Rosanti Budimansyah (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2021)