ITB Held Open Session of Freshmen Admissions Inauguration 2015/2016
By Vinskatania Agung A
Editor Vinskatania Agung A

The Open Session of PPMB for Post Graduate Program (doctorate and master) was held in the morning and for Bachelor Program was in the afternoon. The session started with the opening of session by Rector of ITB and the singing of national anthem Indonesia Raya and moment of silence. Then, a report from the Admissions Selection Comittee 2015 was presented by Dr. Achmad Syarif, S.Sn., M.Sc. as the Executive Deputy Director of Bachelor and Vocation Admissions Program. In the report, Achmad Syarif explained that the number of students who had registered for Bachelor Program were 3682 with the distribution area of origin as much as 60% was from DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten; as much as 20% was from province of Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java; and 20% came from outside Java. This year, an increase in the gender distribution for women reached 41%. Of the total number of students of the undergraduate program, as many as 20% of them are participants of Bidikmisi Scholarships and the selection is currently underway.
The session continued with the speech of the ITB Rector titled "Environmental Sustainability". He said, sustainability was a keyword in the global development agenda in the post-2015 so-called Sustainable Development Goals, or abbreviated as SDGs. Then there were also scientific orations delivered by Ir. Haryo Winarso M.Eng., Ph.D titled "A Shifting Paradigm in Planning and Urban Development, and Opportunities for Research" at the Open Session of PPMB for Graduate Program and from Ir. Adi Indrayanto M.Sc., Ph.D., about "Building Indonesia Gadget Industry" was presented in the Open Session of PPMB for Bachelor Program.
Also in the same occasion, ITB gave Ganesha Award 2015 for outstanding students in the field of sports, arts, cultural, religious, scientific, social, and innovative work. Additionally, ITB also awarded ITB's most outstanding students or Ganesha Prize to Ujang Purnama (Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 2011) as the first winner, Jonathan Devi (Chemical Engineering, 2011) as the second winner, and Robert (Mechanical Engineering 2012) as the third winner.