MWA - ITB ITB Set Three Candidates Rector

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG , - Selection of Rector of the Institute of Technology Bandung ( ITB ) in the period 2014 to 2019 has entered the final round . Plenary Meeting of the Board of Trustees ( BoT ) which was held on Saturday ( 07/12/14 ) at ITB MWA Office Building Scientific Meeting Hall has decided three names that become candidates Rector of ITB. The three candidates are Prof. Indratmo Sukarno , Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi , and Prof. Intan Ahmad . Next , the last stage of a series of new search ITB rector was elected rector of the election and the announcement by MWA ITB on Monday ( 15/12/14 )
Selection Process ITB Rector tagline " Rektor Kita 2014-2019 " has been underway since August 25 starting from the prospective nominee search. A series of processes have been carried out starting from the presentation and selection , socialization through ITB Record Expo , panel discussions , and finally through a closed session of the Academic Senate , out of five candidates elected rector . Of the five candidates who have , MWA finally decided to select it into three names. The BoT decision made on consideration of the presentation exposure work program five years by each - each candidate elected rector

" We are assessing how much they have to be of jump ITB idea further because in the future we would like to welcome the ITB 100 years . So , we see a breakthrough - a breakthrough which they will develop and clarity them in implementing the program - the program . Everything is good , but the three candidates who have a clear breakthrough , " Prof. Dr Ir . Jann Hidayat Tjakraatmadja Rektor Kita chairman of the committee from 2014 to 2019 said.
As chairman of the MWA , Betty S. Alisjahbana explained further that the difference lies in the candidate's program emphasis . Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi emphasizes ITB transformation of the original university -based research into entrepreneurial university . Then , Prof. Intan Ahmad is more focused on leadership development among students in order to have a competitive edge when graduating from ITB . Meanwhile , Prof. Indratmo Sukarno submit plans for the program with emphasis on the role of the ITB in contributing more thought to the government and society .

Furthermore , the final outcome of the Rector We rely 2014-2019 BoT decision on 15 December. MWA members consist of the Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education , the governor of West Java , ITB rector , chairman of the Academic Senate , four representatives of community members , four representatives of the Academic Senate , one student representative , one representative of educational personnel , and 1 representative ITB alumni . From the fifteenth members , all of whom have voting rights except ITB rector and chairman of the Academic Senate . As a campus with the status of PTN BH , Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education has a greater right to vote as much as 35 percent , while the other members of the same weight. " Hopefully, on the 15th day we can choose the best rector we can bring ITB leap forward in producing the best graduates who can contribute to the community , " Betty added.

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