ITB Hosts IJIC 2012

Oleh Muhammad Hanif

Editor Muhammad Hanif

BANDUNG, - At the end of 2012, Indonesia and Japan held a commitment to work together to commemorate 55 years of relations between Indonesia and Japan. Cooperation programs are packed into a convention called IJIC (The Indonesia-Japan Innovation Convention) 2012. ITB as an educational institution has the opportunity to host the event, held on Friday-Sunday (30/11/12-2/12/12) at Sasana Budaya Ganesha.

IJIC 2012 attended by academic staff from various universities in Indonesia, researchers from the university, industry, and government, magister student, industries and companies, also government institution. "This activity aims to generate and promote innovative products from Indonesia and Japan as well as increased innovative collaboration especially in the field of industry, universities, and research institutions between the two countries so that it can reach the equal partners," said Acep Purqon, General Secretary IJIC 2012.

The outline of this event consists of three agendas, there were seminars, promotions and exhibitions, and also innovation idols. The seminar will be held for two days discussing eight clusters. Those clusters were information and communication technologies, sustainable energy, biotechnology and health, creative industries, transportation systems and infrastructure, materials, smart and entrepreneurial people, and policies.

In this seminar, some ITB lecturers become the speaker were Suhono Harso Supangkat (School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology), Daryono Hadi Tjahjono (School of Pharmacy), and Andar Bagus Joedawinata and Ahadiat Sriwarno (Faculty of Art and Design), Rudy Sayoga Gautama (Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering), Henry Dhewanto (School of Business and Management), and Satryo Soematri Brodjonegoro (School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering).

In the exhibition, ITB also showed off one of the innovations made by the students, the electric car. The car is on display at the right wing Sabuga ITB. Along with the production of Mitsubishi MIEV car, this car is exhibited as an icon of innovation program that will be collaborated between Indonesia and Japan in the future as equal partners.

Chairman IJIC 2012, Prof. Dr. H. Suhono Supangkat said the electric car is one of the innovative products that are excellent in the future for the development of environmentally friendly transportation. "Electric cars are part of the future, the technology continues to be developed. One of them is the development of battery technologies that allow the vehicle can be used efficiently," said Suhono.

At the end of IJIC 2012, read a convention, namely Bandung Statement by Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fakuda. Bandung Statement is expected to be a kind of Ten Principles of Bandung II (Dasasila Bandung II) to the field of innovation. "This is a joint statement and the public's willingness to enhance serious cooperation so that the map of the road can be better understood," said Rector of ITB, Prof. Akhmaloka in his speech.

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