ITB Inaugurated 1,760 Graduates in 2019 July Graduation

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Intitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held The Third Graduation Ceremony Academic Year 2018/2019 at Sasana Budaya Ganesa on Friday (19/7/2019). In the ceremony, ITB inaugurated 1,760 graduates of Undergraduate, Master’s, and Doctoral programs.

The graduation was held in three sessions over two days, on 19 and 20 July 2019. There were 1,148 graduates from Undergraduate program, 575 from Master’s program, and 37 from Doctoral program.

Graduation on Friday, 19 July 2019 was designated for graduates of Undergraduate program in FITB, FSRD, FTMD, FTSL, SAPPK, and SITH. The second day on Saturday, 20 July 2019 saw the graduation ceremony in two sessions. The morning session was held for graduates of undergraduate programs in FMIPA, FTTM, FTI, SBM, SF, and STEI. The afternoon session was held for Master’s and Doctoral programs.

In this graduation ceremony, Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA., delivered a speech about Role of ITB in Disaster Mitigation and Risk Reduction to Build Disaster Resilient Culture. As commonly known, besides its abundance of natural resources, Indonesia has various potential disaster threats.

“Given that our beloved country is situated on areas rich on natural resources but also prone to disasters, it is necessary to involve all stakeholders in filling the gap to reduce existing disaster risks,” said the rector.

It is explained by the rector that various disaster occurrences in Indonesia is a challenge for ITB as a foundation to formulate policies and research direction. ITB have designed advanced technology to tackle challenges by making infrastructure, disaster mitigation, and territories as part of research focuses and agenda.

Among many researches conducted by ITB regarding the issue are identification, analysis, and mapping of geological hazards (earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, and tsunamis) and hydro-meteorology hazards (floods, drought, hurricane, rising sea levels).

Researches are also conducted hard science or soft science such as vulnerability and risk studies, damage studies/mappings, and formulation of disaster risk mitigation action plans that are more practical and easy to implement.

"These researches are carried out by laboratories and research centers in ITB with the mission of accelerating ITB’s ability to produce excellent research works," said the Rector.

ITB inaugurates 21 international students of various study programs who come from 15 countries, such as Cambodia, China, Czech, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Libya, Pakistan, Rwanda, Timor Leste, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, and Vietnam. “It is an honor for ITB to share knowledge and outlook with international students,” said the rector.

Rector reminded the graduates that anywhere they work or ac, they have to be ready to be innovators or initiators of development, sources, and ready to improve development and prosperity of the community, the people, and the country. “Do not expect instant results, plan it and do it with diligence and perseverance. There will be obstacles, challenges, but keep on doing it and never forget to pray,” he said.

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