Introducing the World of Science, Engineering Physics Students Invited Elementary School Students to Experiment Through “Playground”
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—There are several ways to introduce children to the world of science, one of which is the Physics Engineering Student Association (HMFT) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) to invite elementary students to do simple experiments online via one of the Skullers Insight 2021 events, Playground.
Skullers Insight 2021 is a campaign for the Physics Engineering Students from class of 2020 that aims to inspire Indonesian children to pursue careers in science and technology.
The Playground was held three times, on September 25, October 16, and October 23, with each day featuring a different experiment. Experiments were conducted on the principle of capillarity, water surface tension, and the Archimedes law.
The principle of capillarity was demonstrated by moving water from one glass to another with a tissue, while the principle of surface tension of water was demonstrated by a paper boat that could move on the water with soap. Lastly, the Archimedes principle was demonstrated by eggs that floats in saltwater but not freshwater.
"These experiments only require affordable and simple ingredients. The subject is also easy to explain and is still relatable to everyday life," Ariel Brandon, Head of the 2021 Skullers Insight Events Division, said in an interview with the ITB Public Relations reporter.
The experiment was conducted independently under the supervision of “professors”the teachers at Playground. Tools and materials were provided on their own. Parents and teachers were welcome, but their presence was not required.
The participants was very enthusiastic and eager to ask questions during the event. Each day, the number of participants increased. The first day had about 40 participants, the second day had 80 participants, and the final day was attended by 240 participants.
The significant increase on the third day was due to the presence of an elementary school that incorporated the Skullers Insight 2021 Playground into its school program, making attendance mandatory for students.
There was an amusing episode, when one of the participant suddenly lies down and covers their face with a pillow. The other when a participant—a kid—asking critical questions about the practicum by relating it to chemistry and biology lessons.
One of the committee's challenges was composing easy-to-understand sentences about the scientific explanation for the practicum. The committee outwitted it by tying it to a fairy tale. For the principle of capillarity, for example, the committee considered tissue to be a bridge that fairies must cross.
"The committee hopes that what we've shared in this activity will be able to inspire the children to find their passion right away, so they can start to focus on enhancing their specialty," Ariel explained.
Reporter: Amalia Wahyu Utami (Physics Engineering 2020)
Translator: Naffisa Adyan Fekranie (Oceanography, 2019)