ITB Press Store Inauguration Aims to Increase Literacy
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – A commerce unit from the University Endowment Fund and Business Management (BPUDL) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), ITB Press Co., organized a launching event of ITB Press Store in the Science and Techno Park (STP) ITB, in Bandung, on Wednesday (22/12/2022).
This event invited several high-ranking officials such as the Governor of West Java Province that was represented by Dr. Hening Widiatmoko, M.A., as the Head of West Java Provincial Library and Archive Bureau; Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., as the Rector of ITB; Deddy Priatmodjo Koesridartoto, Ph.D., as the Head of BPUDL ITB; and some other parties from the ITB Press' business partner, national book writer, and the representatives from several universities such as UI and IPB.
ITB Press Co., with the complete name of Inovasi Teknologi Bermedia Press Co., is one of ITB's commerce units which was established in the 70s and became an ITB supporting commerce unit (UUP) under the management of BPUDL ITB. However, since two years ago the transformation process of this commerce unit was started as a way to increase the productivity and literacy of ITB students and the related communities. Finally, the status of the ITB Press as a corporation was inaugurated by BPUDL. This ITB Press Store launching event is the first step of the framework that has always been dreamed of by ITB Press.
In his opening remark, Deddy Priatmodjo, Ph.D., as the Head of BPUDL ITB, said that the development process of ITB Press Co. has begun since 2018. However, due to the pandemic and other matters, this project had only been seriously worked on in the first quarter of 2021. At the time, he and his team created and developed the best possible business model in order to maximize ITB Press potential.
"When we were given the mandate to develop the activities of ITB Press, I and my team has been working on the development of this business model since the first quarter of 2021. Finally, we realized that this business model will not only be narrowly focused on book but can also be developed in other directions. Indeed, to achieve our aim we will try to maximize all available opportunities and synergize with other parties," said Deddy.
Meanwhile, the Rector of ITB Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., said that the inauguration of this ITB Press Store can open new possibilities for cooperation and collaboration with the other universities in Indonesia to give a real contribution to the advancement of this nation, especially in the reading and writing literation sector to the surrounding communities. She hoped that with the ITB Press Store that is located outside the ITB campus, ITB can better facilitate outside communities to feel the impact of this commerce unit.
"It is true that the original aim of this ITB Press Store is to accommodate the needs of ITB students. However, it doesn't just close the possibility of communities outside the ITB to utilize the service of this commerce unit. The expectation is that by building this business, the movement of society's literacy can be improved because this also became the focus of this business, just like publishing community books, children's books, etc," she said.
After the remark session ended, the launching ceremony continued with a signing of an MoU between some of ITB Press Co. partners such as Reka Inovasi Indonesia Co., Aktiknas Co., Fujitsu Indonesia Co., C59 Co., Kepala Nusantara Co., Anak-Anak Kreatif Indonesia Co., Asayani Batik Co., Molusca Project Co., and Engineer Workwear Co. The closing session of this ITB Press store opening ceremony was done by a symbolic ribbon cutting by the Rector of ITB and was continued by a store tour that was guided by the ITB Press Co. officials.
Reporter: Nur Rama Adamas (Civil Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)