Speech from ITB Rector at the October 2022 Graduation: Research Culture is Important to Actualize the Knowledge Society
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id–Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held its first graduation in the 2022/2023 academic year on Saturday (22/10/2022). This event was held in a hybrid manner, offline and also online through the Institut Teknologi Bandung's YouTube channel.
At this graduation, ITB Rector Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D. delivered a speech represented by the University Secretary Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo. The main message conveyed by the Rector to the graduates was about the role of ITB graduates as ambassadors of scientific culture.
Prof. Widjaja started the speech by discussing and emphasizing the condition of international relations that have existed for a long time and are still going on today. The developments that occur in many nations in the world certainly cannot be separated from the relationships that exist with other nations. Patterns and forms of relations between nations have become increasingly complex and intensive. Advances in the energy, transportation, and information and communication technology (ICT) sector, the development of the internet, smartphones, as well as Big Data/AI have pushed the presence of various digital platforms that allow the expansion of connectivity in various aspects of life.
"The expansion of connectivity or hyperconnectivity that occurs not only creates new opportunities, but is also widely used for deviant purposes such as spreading hoaxes and hate speech which have the potential to trigger socio-political conflicts," he said.
Prof. Widjaja also stated that in times of crisis, such as economic crises, or the crisis due to pandemics, the unity of a nation and national solidarity are crucial factors in mitigating the crisis, or recovering post-crisis. Apart from this, the nation’s unity and integrity is also an important factor for inclusive, just and sustainable development to come true.
Prof. Widjaja believes that Institut Teknologi Bandung graduates can play an important role in facing and answering present and future challenges. He also discussed about ITB which had completed a document on Strengthening the Excellent Research Culture through the Office of the Vice Rector for Research and Innovation (WRRI).
To close his speech, Prof. Widjaja congratulated the graduates on their success and also thanked the parents of the graduates who had entrusted their children to pursue their education at ITB.
"I hope that you all can continue to create, maintain and spread scientific culture - as 'ITB's scientific culture ambassadors', and always increase the spirit of leadership as well as strengthen solidarity in order to give a real contribution to the Indonesian country and nation. Your achievements are ITB’s achievements, ITB’S achievements are your achievements—in harmonia progressio,” he concluded.
Reporter: Camilla Rosanti Budimansyah (Undergraduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)