ITB Professor Demonstrated Problem Solving Using Mathematics
By Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT
Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Mathematics for majority of people is scary, but some people love it and are skilled with it. Mathematics often called the mother of all science because in everyday life, all problems could be modeled in mathematics, even for invisible problems.
Prof. Marcus Wono Setya Budhi from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) gave many examples of problems that can be solved using mathematics.
Cited from his scientific speech book titled “Matematika, Seni Pemecahan Masalah, Bahkan Untuk Hal yang Tak Terlihat” published in 2015, Prof Wono explained the artistic and usefulness of mathematics in daily life.
Mathematics and Its Relation with Indonesian Culture
In Indonesia, the art of using mathematics could be seen from the construction of historical building and the language used. “There are abundant of heritage that shows the application of mathematics, for example temples of ancient kingdoms and other buildings,” Prof. Wono said. To build strong ancient temple and prevent it from collapsing needs accurate calculation. For example is Prambanan Temple. This temple is not merely a pile of rocks, but also have empty space inside. The preparation surely needed mathematic calculation.
He also presented another problem using mathematics that is the characteristic of wave propagation when passes through different period of time. The invers of waves from the earth allow human to predict the structures within the earth. Besides daily problems, he also explained that many imaginative films is possible if explained using mathematics.
Harry Potter and Star Trek in Mathematics
We remember some fantasy films, such as Harry Potter or Star Trek. Many think Harry Potter is imaginative because in the film Harry Potter can disappear using a cloak. Not only it covers, it also disappears along. Similar with visible and invisible things in Star Trek, on Romulan’s starship, there is a shield that deflects certain lights. Prof Wono said that, even though it is complicated to explain in mathematics, light deflection can make existing object invisible. This problem is called cloaking in mathematics.
Prof Wono also explain about a theory on how to hide an item from the reflection of electromagnetic waves, considering the wave can penetrate almost all media. Theoretically, mathematicians and physicians know that is possible. However, the explanation is too technical to be put on words.
The Importance of Mathematic Skill
Many problems can be modelled using mathematics formula. Hence, discussing daily events or phenomenon using mathematics model will be interesting.
The professor that has been adept at math since primary school year said that basically mathematics is a creation and invention of humankind in the past. It would be better if it can be developed. He told a story about his brother-in-law, a doctor who loves mathematics, “My brother-in-law does not remember any math formula, but he can finish geometry problems. Hence, even if we do not aim to be a mathematician, the skill in mathematics is beneficial, especially for scientist or workers in technology,” said Prof. M. Wono.
When asked about what prompted him to engage in mathematics, this father of two daughters said that it comes from many physics and chemistry problems that can only be solved by using mathematics. “For example, how to calculate the half-life of a thousand years-old substance, and many symptoms in physics or chemistry that cannot be done but can be answered with mathematics,” concluded Prof. Wono.
Source: Scientific Speech from Prof. Wono; How Does This Invisibility Cloak Work