ITB Students Won Runner Up on Accenture Gives, Skills to Succeed

Oleh Muhammad Fikri

Editor Muhammad Fikri

BANDUNG, - A group of ITB students won Runner Up on Accenture Gives, Skills to Succeed, a competition where participants are asked to plan a project that will give a positive, sustainable social impact. Convinced by the feasibility and sustainability of the proposal, Accenture gave the second position to ITB team as well as funding of Rp. 55.000.000,00 to start the project. The ITB project is located in Pakutandang, Ciparay, Bandung. The village is also the location for various social projects by different student societies in ITB, such as Chemical Engineering Students Association (HIMATEK ITB) who introduced in 2008 dalam pengenalan system rice intensification (SRI) untuk penanaman padi, sand introduced composting with Local Microorganisms, Environmental Engineering Students Association (HMTL ITB) has also built and sanitation facilities and gave workshops on sanitatio in the village.
Ganesha Team consisted of Vincentius Dito Krista Holanda (Chemical engineering 2008) as CEO, Fathir Ramadhan (Industrial engineering 2008) as Operations Director, Vicario Reinaldo (Industrial engineering 2010) as Chain Director, Meutia Arinta (Environmental engineering 2009) as Human Resource dan Environmental Director, Yosaka Eka Putranta (Petroleum engineering 2009) as Marketing Director, serta Mohamad Rimba Putra (School of business and management 2010) as Finance Director.

The six students designed a business plan, with three lines of products: bedcover and bedsheets, bags, and womenswear. All of the products will be made of small pieces of clothes collected from factories created through quilting techniques.

A Thorough Business Plan

In Developing their business plan, Ganesha Team first surveyed the potential consumers and owners of similar business through interviews and questionnaires. The products will be marketed under 'Ciparay's Heritage' brand.

Afterwards, they plan the production. Ganesha Team surveyed suppliers of cheap raw materials: Cigondewah and Pasar Baru, Bandung. Both of the locations provide fabrics to purchase in retail price as well as in bulk prices with various texture, colors, motifs, and sizes.  The Ganesha Team also surveyed the potential producer, Pakutandang Village, Ciparay, and introduced the plan to the locals. After knowing the production costs, the team translated them into cost structure. They further elaborated it into financial projections. They projected, by the end of their second year operating, the number of Ciparay locals involved in the production is increased from 12 to 37 people, with an additional income of Rp. 300.000,00 to Rp. 700.000,00 per month.

As the organizer, at first, Accenture Indonesia is going to fund only the first winner. But after seeing Ganesha Team's presentation, the judges were convinced by the feasibility and sustainability of the project and decided to fund them as well. First champion is Garuda Youth Community, Universitas Indonesia, which won 75.000.000,00 in seed capital. Ganesha Team;s success showed that ITB students aren't only capable of being a labor but also in expanding the labor force.

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