ITB Team Win Twice In PKM Teknologi 2008
By Mandeep Kaur Gill
Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, – A research paper titled “Benefit of Aluminum and Polyethylene from Tetra Pack Waste with Hot Pressing Method” of an ITB Chemical Engineering student Nazrul Munir (13006102), Arrijal Sidik (13006055), Fernando (13006009), Hamzah Rahawarin (13006089), and Saeful Rohman (13006061) won in 2 Student Creativity in Technology Program (PKMT) in the Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) XXI in Islamic University of Sultan Agung Semarang, 14-19 July 2009.
Nazrul and his team’s research managed to change tetra pack waste into lightweight material that can hold weights as heavy as three tones. People are always confused assuming that tetra pack waste are just organic waster when actually it is the remains of drink packs and are actually categorized as inorganic trash.
This year, from the 21 funded research proposals, ITB only allowed 2 delegates to come forth. As comparison, IPB allowed 25 teams, UGM 16 teams Unnes and Unissula each with 10 teams.
This concern, as expressed by ITB Managerial Team at PIMNAS 2008 which was represented by Budi Setiawan, Shofarul Wustoni, and Luke Mayang Kencana (Professionality and Innovation Cabinet KM ITB) asked this question “Are ITB students truly lacking in innovation or are still ambiguous of their responsibilities?”
Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional is a yearly routine organized by the Higher Education General Directorate (DIKTI) Depdiknas. PIMNAS 2008’s theme “Develop Positive Behavior and Attain Achievement to Raise National Competitiveness”, is a network of scientific research competition (PKM and KKTM), Gelar Produk (Product Branding) and Poster Competition.