ISMC IX-SEASMC I: The Prestigious Mining Competition in Southeast Asia

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - After passing through all the interesting events, finally, Indonesian Students Mining Competition (ISMC) IX and Southeast Asian Students Mining Competition (SEASMC) I was officially closed with the Gala dinner. The closing ceremony was held on Sunday (09/01/14) at West Aula, ITB. The competitions were held by the Student Council of Mining Engineering (HMT-ITB) and lasted for six days started on Tuesday (04/02/14). The committee took "Mining for Development" as the theme of the year. The series of ISMC-SEASMC were successfully done and well caught public attention.

"This once-in-two-years event of HMT-ITB has become the turning point of mining engineering students to go to the public and compete to practice the knowledge they have earned in class," Alfonsus Liguori Wahyu Wardhana (Mining Engineering 2010) explained. He acted as the leader of ISMC-SEASMC committee. The first idea to hold this event was adopted from AusIMM Students Mining Competition by University of Queensland on 1996 in Brisbane, Australia. HMT-ITB was one of the participants. The competition inspired them to hold such event in Indonesia. Then, the first ISMC was held on 1998 and it has become the once-in-two-years event after that.

HMT-ITB initiates the first Southeast Asian Students Mining Competition (SEASMC) this year. "The idea was to develop the competition across the region. So this year, we did not only invite Indonesian Students, but also Koreans." Alfonsus added.

ISMC-SEASMC was divided into three series which are Mining Expo 2014, paper contest, and the mining competition. Mining Expo 2014 were held on Friday and Saturday (07-08/02/14) which invited lots of mining companies and government offices that work on mining.The mining competition consists of Rock and Mineral Identification, Tie In, Bench Blasting, Blasting Vibration Analysis, Crushing and Grinding, Underground Mine Stability, and many others. There were fourteen Indonesian teams and two Korean teams participated in the competition.

On the closing ceremony, the winners were announced. The Red Alligator from HMT-ITB won the first place by gaining five gold medals, one silver, and two bronze. They are followed by the Mulawarman University team on the second place with four gold medals, 2 silver, and 2 bronze. On the third place, it was the team from Sriwijaya University. "We learned, socialized, had such great experience in ISMC-SEASMC," Wendy Saputra (Sriwijaya University team) said.

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