ITB Won All Race in IOGS 2012

Oleh Muhammad Hanif

Editor Muhammad Hanif

JOHOR BAHRU, - Bandung Institute of Technology team won the overall championship title in the International Oil and Gas Symposium (IOGS) 2012. At the event organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers Student Chapter Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM SPE SC), ITB won all races. Three competitions were held such as Petrobowl Asia Pacific Smart Competition, Paper Competition, and the Oil Rig Design.

In Petrobowl Asia Pacific Smart Competition, ITB team consists of Muhammad Romadhona (Petroleum Engineering 2009), Rhadityo Bhaskoro Arbarim (Petroleum Engineering 2009), and Sharif Kamal (Petroleum Engineering 2010) got the first champion. Second and third position achieved by University of Indonesia (UI) and Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Malaysia.

In paper competition, three students of Petroleum Engineering badge of 2009 Enggar Amertacahya, Budi Khoironi, and Ade Anggi Naruliawan Santoso beat out competitors from countries in Asia Pacific. In this competition, Enggar Amretacahya a team representative, presented a paper about the water produces in horizontal oil wells. Nik Fazril Ain Binti Sapian from UTP Malaysia won the second place while the third winner won by Md Moniruzzaman Bapari from Bangladesh.

Oil Rig design competition was won by a team consisting of four students Petroleum Engineering ITB badge of 2009 and a Marine Engineering student 2009: Irfan Taufik Rau, Ramadhana Aristya, Eka Yosaka Putranta, Michael Ari Dhanto, and Canisius Sagari Lodiwa. Teams from UTP Malaysia and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Yogyakarta achieved the second and third champion.

Preparation Establish The Champion

In this bi-annual competition, the SPE ITB SC had prepared as well as possible. For Petrobowl, some preparation had done by ITB SPE SC to finalize the team that will compete such as internal selection, routine simulations and drills competition. "Actually we did not think would be able to win all the competitions, but certainly we are optimistic because we had prepared everything as well as possible," said ITB team representative.

Enggar added that many of the parties involved in the preparation until the funding guidance. For paper-making guidance, ITB team assisted by several lecturers Petroleum Engineering courses include Dr. Ir. Taufan Marhaendrajana, Prof. Dr. Ir. Pudji Permadi, Amega Yasutra, M.S. While the sponsors who contributed to ITB contingents are Schlumberger, Chevron, BP Migas, SPE Java, HESS, and PetroChina

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