The Minister of Youth and Sports Engaged ITB Students to Promote Indonesia's Sport Achievement
By Shabrina Salsabila
Editor Shabrina Salsabila

The man who was elected to be Indonesia Sports and Youth Minister in his 44 age delivered some points in this general lecture. Some of them were the main government's task and function in youth and sports field, Indonesia's sport achievement in international level, and how to get the achievement without doping. On this occassion Mr. Roy Suryo also delivered Indonesia Gold Program (PRIMA).
"National flag and anthem of a country will not be showed in the other country except in two conditions, when there is a president visit or in sport competition," said Mr. Roy Suryo. This showed that sports achivement is very important that can make Indonesia is more respected by the other country.
Indonesia's sports achievement is good enough in Asia and South East Asia region, Indonesia got the first rank in SEA GAMES 2012 and the 14th rank in Asian Games. However in Olimpiade level Indonesia only got 63rd rank. The left behind of Indonesian technology is also one of the factors that make Indonesian sports achievement is left behind by the other country. With more sophisticatedtechnology, Japan can make a research to invent the most appropriate latex material for the athletes body so their move will not be obstructed by the costum. This is oftenly called sport science.
In order to promote Indonesian athlete's sport achievement, The Ministry of Youth and Sports was trying to develop sport science in Indonesia. This is realized by built the first Doping Test Laboratory in ITB campus.
With this laboratory, Indonesian athletes are expected to be spared by doping problems that can decrease their pride and dignity. Besides that with this first laboratory can make Indonesia's probability to be a host for international sport competition bigger and Indonesia's hope to be an independent country can be realized.