Oleh Mandeep Kaur Gill

Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

Bandung, ITB USDI Geographic Information System’s Competency Team will be expanding their AutoCAD 3D Map training syllabus soon. This was announced by Dendy Rustiady, Head of TBK GIS in an evaluation meeting during the GIS Fundamental Analysis using Regular ArcGIS (FGA) term 1 in the ComLabs meeting room on Thursday, 3rd April. According to Dendy, the training development was initiated to expand the use of AutoCAD application into mapping. AutoCAD known now is mainly used to support engineered inventions, making it unsuitable for mapping. Besides this, ITB’s TBK GIS ComLabs is in the process of maturing the syllabus of the training module for integration of geographic information system in agriculture, development of the local district’s potential and forestry. This will add variation into the ArcGIS integration training in more specific fields; ArcGIS for vector, ArcGIS for raster, ArcGIS customize, and Intermediate ArcGIS for regular or intensive classes. TBK GIS is one of the six competency teams owned by ComLabs USDI ITB which consists of Geographic Information System, Engineering Application, Graphic Design, Networking and Programming, Webmaster Animation and Database. ITB ComLabs is an information technology service center which provides many facilities for students and the public including internet access, WiFi, A13 Internet voucher service, IT training, IT bulletin, routine organized seminars about IT development. Original article by Kristiono

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