Joint ITB-Daewoong Foundation Laboratory: A Platform for Research and Innovation in Pharmaceuticals

By Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - In an effort to advance the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has collaborated with the Daewoong Foundation to establish a Joint Research Laboratory.

The laboratory, named the "Drug Delivery System Research Institute ITB-Daewoong Foundation," began its collaboration in 2021, followed by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in September 2022. This initiative represents a strategic step by ITB and Daewoong to expand the utilization of pharmaceutical and healthcare equipment for research and testing.

Dr. apt. Amirah Adlia, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer from the Pharmaceutical Industry Research Group at the School of Pharmacy (SP) ITB and Head of the Center for Pharmaceutical Downstreaming at ITB, stated that this collaboration not only benefits ITB in the development of scientific knowledge but also adds value to the Indonesian pharmaceutical industry.

"For instance, pharmaceutical products developed at ITB will have a higher Domestic Component Level (TKDN), which will better support the domestic pharmaceutical industry," she said.

Facilities at the Drug Delivery System Research Institute ITB-Daewoong Foundation

The Joint Laboratory is located at the School of Pharmacy (SP) ITB, Ganesha Campus, Bandung. The Drug Delivery System Research Institute ITB-Daewoong Foundation is equipped with a wide range of facilities, including some equipment imported directly from Japan.

Dr. Amirah Adlia mentioned that the equipment has been arranged to meet pharmaceutical industry standards. She also ensured smooth technology transfer from the research and development stages to large-scale production.
"The various facilities at this Joint Laboratory are expected to produce high-quality research," she stated.

Some of the facilities available in the laboratory include the Dissolution Room, which contains equipment to measure how quickly and efficiently a drug dissolves in the body after consumption. Then, there is the Analysis Room, which is used to analyze and ensure that each drug is developed according to set indicators and quality standards.

There is also the Weighing Room, designated for the weighing process of pharmaceutical ingredients to ensure the consistency and safety of the drug materials.
Another facility is the Stability Chamber Room, which is used to test drug stability under various environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and others.

The Tabletting Room is equipped with advanced machines for producing drug tablets. Here, researchers can experiment with tablet formulations to ensure the quality of the drugs.

Lastly, the Storage for Material Room helps maintain the quality of raw materials. This storage room is specially designed to store pharmaceutical materials in optimal conditions.

Future Prospects for the Drug Delivery System Research Institute ITB-Daewoong Foundation

This collaboration has had a positive impact on both parties, both from industrial and academic perspectives. The Daewoong Foundation, as a key player in the pharmaceutical industry, gains direct access to scientific research developed by ITB experts, lecturers, and students. On the other hand, ITB benefits from access to advanced equipment and research funding from the industry.

"This scheme also allows ITB students and researchers to collaborate with Daewoong's team, enriching their experience and skills in addressing complex research challenges," said Dr. Yuda Prasetya Nugraha, Head of the Drug Delivery System Research Institute ITB-Daewoong Foundation Laboratory.

The collaboration is expected not only to contribute to scientific research in Indonesia but also to help ITB accelerate technology transfer and support the pharmaceutical industry. In the future, this initiative will create a more advanced research ecosystem that benefits the development of pharmaceuticals, both in Indonesia and on the global stage.

Reporter: Anggun Nindita
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2024)
Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)