Launching AI Academy with ITB, SLB Wants to Improve Indonesia's Digital Skills
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – From the past few years, the widespread use of digital technology in the energy sector has caused the demand from businesses for data science and artificial intelligence (AI) skills to increase.
As a response, SLB launched the AI Academy program to increase the capabilities and skills of students and workers in the world of data science and digital technology; one of the ways is through a collaboration with Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). This program is hoped to overcome the need for digital competence on a global scale.
Besides ITB, AI Academy in Indonesia also works with Universitas Pertamina and SKK Migas. This program is supported by the IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association). Held from August to October 2022, 62 of the program's graduates gave presentations on their own AI capstone project that then was evaluated by experts from partner universities as well as business and domain specialists from SLB itself.
SLB has managed to successfully launch the first AI Academy in Indonesia. This program emancipates petro-engineering experts to design innovative AI and digital solutions and can maximize income from customers' assets efficiently and sustainably.
"AI Academy will give digital skills and add new talents to various organizations," SLB President of Digital and Integration Rajeev Sonthalia said. He stated further, "By combining strong domain knowledge with expertise in data science; clients would be able to benefit in the digital world to become productive individuals who participate in the movement of acceleration in the energy transition.
SLB is an industry engaged in technology and energy, and one of its ever-developing fields is related to software and data. The fast implementation of digital technology in the energy industry has been going rapidly for the past few years, causing an increase in demand for data science and AI skills. Thus, SLB strengthens partnerships with other parties and offers the AI ??Academy program to energy companies and universities worldwide.
AI Academy invites lecturers from various universities, specialists from SLB, and data science experts from Dataiku (one of SLB's business partners) to teach students and workers. In Indonesia alone, the first AI Academy class has already taught two groups of participants, each of which consists of more than 30 students. This program is hoped to empower experts to assemble AI and think about digital solutions to increase innovation and acquire assets more efficiently and sustainably.
This article is excerpted from dan
Reporter: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019) and Firzana Aisya
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)