One-Day Seminar: Plan of Development with Pertamina
By Mandeep Kaur Gill
Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, A one day seminar was held in Seminar room of Petroleum Engineering’s third floor called “Plan of Development” on the 5th April 2008. This event was sponsored by Pertamina, IATMI, and BP MIGAS and held specially for Petroleum Engineering students as they talked about the knowledge that was integration of all knowledge acquired throughout their study program. Ir. Pudjo Adianto, MBA, Ir. Ari Bukhari and Sabar Pribadi, ST who were representatives of Pertamina Regional Jawa were speakers of the event.
Development Planning (POD) was a combined oil and natural gas field development plan to develop hydrocarbon reserves optimally to become realistic, suitable in he economical, technical and harmonious and safe environmental aspects (HSE). Executive Summary, (summary of the entire development plan), Geological Findings (explanation about the oil and natural gas discovery), Exploration Incentives, Reservoir Description, Secondary Recovery, Field Development Scenarios, Frilling, Field Development Facilities, Project Schedule, Production Results, Abandonment, Project Economics, and the Conclusion of the development is for a good alternative. Once POD got the green light, a revision can be done with changing development scenarios, amount of significant oil and gas reserves and investment amount.
After the presentation, the participants then brought forward their POD simulations. They were assigned to make a field development plan for one oil and gas reserve that were suitable in economical, technical and HSE aspects.
Original article by niken