StatOilHydro Business Activities in Global and Indonesia Area

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, – On Saturday (19/4), MBA ITB held one day seminar titled “StatOilHydro Business Activities in Global and Indonesia Area”. Situated in SBM Auditorium, it was attended by Vice President StatOilHydro Indonesia, Tor Fjaeran. StatOilHydro is international oil company whose headquarter locate in Norway. Fjaeran was talking about StatOilHydro journey from its origin exploration at Ekofisk –oil field in North Sea on December 1969- to date. Gradually, the company has now evolves into global corporation. Fajrin shared StatOilHydro business challenges and obstacles. The challenges include company stock share, environmental issue, transparencies and eradicate corruption. Nowadays, StatOilHydro has stipulated ownership policy so that each employee might also hold company shares. Handle with environmental issue, StatOilHydro has always maintains collaboration with non Governmental Organization that put its focus on environmental problem. Amidst seminar, Fjaeran had always set free opportunity among participant to raise question. Most of all was about national oil business.

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