Garuda Bike, a Touch of IoT to Cycling Developed by ITB

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Prototype of Garuda Bike at IoT Lab, ITB

BANDUNG, – Bicycle is a mode of transportation and sport often used in Indonesia. In big cities like Bandung, cycling even becomes a lifestyle. Many technology features have been adopted for cycling. Commonly, cyclers use cardiograph, calorie calculator, or Global Positioning System (GPS).

Internet of Things (IoT) carries many benefits for maximum cycling experience. Combination of cycling, data, and internet networks in the form of IoT becomes an opportunity for Laboratory for IoT and Digital Economy Development of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) to develop a startup called Garuda Bike.

Garuda Bike is a bike sharing program combined with IoT technology such as GPS, automatic system, and alarm. This bicycle is intended for use at motor vehicle-prohibited zones such as campuses or bike-only areas. In the implementation, the bike is used on limited areas, connected to Wi-Fi and one server to collect data on activities conducted during cycling in the form of big data. The big data is then analyzed to obtain various predictions relating to health, community activity pattern, air pollution level, and disaster.

Project Manager of Garuda Bike, Taufiqurrahman Akmal, gave explanation on Garuda Bike and functions of every sensor attached on it. From the bike’s three sensors, such as log, GPS, and alarm, we can obtain many data on population, exercise frequency, frequently used tracks, and air pollution level. Besides tons of functions and technology, this smart bike also has a relatively low cost because the internet networks is received from Wi-Fi.

“Three main phases that Garuda Bike conducts are sensing, understanding, and acting. We first use the sensors, analyze the data, and then understanding the result coming from this data. We can use the result everywhere. For example, by knowing which routes frequently taken by cycler, we can find which area is lively and suitable for selling foods and beverages,” Taufiqurrahman said.

For the development of the network, Garuda Bike will cooperate with Bandung Transportation Agency and Indosat. Garuda Bike is ready to be tested and sold as a prototype on July 2019. Garuda bike is planned for test on ITB campus and for cooperation with local government of Ambarawa.

Reporter: Nur Faiz Ramdhani (Forestry Engineering 2015)

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