ITB Talks: Together We Reach Our Biggest Opportunities
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - ITB Talks were held again, this time with the theme of Latest News Around Campus: Together We Reach Our Biggest Opportunities, Thursday (6/5/2021). This event contains reporting the latest news about the ITB campus by the Rector and her staff. Some of the topics raised in the 6th ITB Talks included face-to-face lecture plans and ITB transformation programs.
Taking place at the Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) Building, the 6th ITB Talks presented several speakers, including Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D. (Rector ITB); Ir. Muhammad Abduh, M.T., Ph.D. (ITB Vice-Rector for Finance, Planning, and Development); Prof. Dr. Delik Hudalah, S.T., M.T., M.Sc. (Chairman of the ITB Transformation Team 2020-2025); Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng. (ITB Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs); Dr. techn. Ir. Arief Hariyanto (Director of Education ITB); and guided by prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo (University Secretary). In addition, this event was also held virtual face-to-face through Zoom Meeting and Youtube Live, which was attended by staff, lecturers, students, and the general public.
At the ITB Talks, Prof. Reini conveyed ITB's dream in the medium term to support a superior scientific culture by increasing resource development in various aspects. The direction of its development is the realization of ITB as Globally Respected and Locally Relevant university.
"The term Globally Respected means that ITB must be able to play a proactive role in establishing international cooperation and contributing to responding to issues that occur in the international community. Then the term Locally Relevant refers to Tri Dharma activities that are increasingly responsive to the dynamics of problems that occur in the local or national community, " she said.
The Rector continued that ITB has a special team to realize these goals, namely ITB Transformation Team 2021-2025. The various strategies that the ITB team is preparing are commonly known as "Strategic Plans" or "Renstra." Prof Dr. Delik Hudalah, S.T., M.T., M.Sc leads this team.
ITB's strategic plan is to translate ITB's vision and mission by implementing transformational leadership attitudes. "The attitude of transformational leadership, namely by looking at the future is more anticipatory, dynamic, and open," said Prof. Delik Hudalah.
Meanwhile, concerning academic lectures, Prof. Jaka Sembiring said, after the vaccination process at ITB is completed, in the following semester, there will likely be a 'mixed' hybrid lecture, which means it will integrate offline and online teaching and learning activities which will soon release the information to the entire ITB community.
On this occasion, ITB Talks also open Q&A session regarding the ITB Strategic Plan, as well as the latest news about the campus, including plans for hybrid or face-to-face lectures, the impact of changes to the new Kemendikbud-Ristek structure on ITB, efforts to improve ITB rankings, independent learning activities on Kampus Merdeka Policy, etc.