ITB Talks: ITB’s Endeavors to be the Best Creative Hub
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) once again organized ITB Talks: Early Semester II Meeting for the Academic Year of 2023/2024 as a platform for internal discussions regarding the implementation of campus policies. This edition of ITB Talks carried the theme "ITB's Efforts to Become the Best Workplace", which took place on Thursday (18/1/2024) in the West Hall, ITB Ganesha Campus, Bandung.
The presentation was delivered by ITB leaders, including ITB’s Rector, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M. Eng., Vice Rector for Finance, Planning, and Development Prof. Ir. Muhammad Abduh, M.T., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Resources Dr. Ir. Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati S., M.Comm., and Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, M.Sc., Ph.D., represented by the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (IRCS of ITB) Dr. Ir. Yuli Setyo Indartono.
The event was opened by the Institute’s Secretary, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo, who served as the moderator. He expressed that ITB remains committed to actively contributing to the development of science, technology, and art. In line with this commitment, ITB continues to contribute to the development of Indonesia's human resources (HR). One of the ways is by consistently ensuring that ITB remains the best place to work.
"ITB is not just an organization that has academic privileges, but also a catalyst for prosperity and change in the future," said Prof. Widjaja.
Meanwhile, ITB’s Rector, mentioned that this event serves as a platform to share information about important programs that have been developed and implemented by ITB, namely System Integration, Multicampus, and Excellent Scientific Culture.
She hopes that with the implementation of this program, ITB can further enhance its impact. In addition to being the best place to work, ITB is a space to contribute in creating impact.
“We all want ITB to have a greater impact on society over time. ITB should be an ‘agent of change’. This means that programs held under the umbrella of the tridharma of higher education can have a greater impact," she explained.
In this agenda, there are a number of materials discussed, starting from the discussion of 2024 curriculum guidelines, 2024 RKAT, the development of system integration, multicampus development, strengthening superior scientific culture, and Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) 2023: building ITB as the best place to work.
"Thus, ITB can continue to increase its contribution to society and the Indonesian nation through the best work of all of us," she stated.
Reporter: Anggun Nindita
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2021)
Editor: Sherina Wijaya (Geological Engineering, 2019)