KUBCCI Team Awarded 3rd Place and Best Pitch Deck at IPMI Business Case Competition 2024

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

Three Industrial Engineering students ITB, Joylina Metta Riadi (left), Nisywa Sarah Aliyah (center), and Fadisa Samuel Wara (right), won 3rd Place and The Best Pitch Deck Team at IPMI Business Case Competition 2024.

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The KUBCCI team first learned about this competition through a broadcast by a business unit group at ITB, namely the Techno Entrepreneur Club (TEC) ITB. They chose to participate in this competition considering that the schedule did not conflict with the Final Semester Examination and the organizer's reputation as a leading business institution.

The KUBCCI team first learned about this competition through a broadcast by a business unit group at ITB, namely the Techno Entrepreneur Club (TEC) ITB. They chose to participate in this competition considering that the schedule did not conflict with the Final Semester Examination and the organizer's reputation as a leading business institution.

The competition consisted of several stages. From the preliminary to semifinal, the competition was held online. At those stages, participants prepared a proposal and pitch deck for an international expansion strategy for Taman Bunga Nusantara.

In the final stage, the competition was held offline at The International Business School IPMI with a case study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management. The team presented a pitch deck regarding strategies to implement employee financial welfare programs and efforts to increase awareness as a form of business ethics.

Initially, they had difficulty determining the root of the problem from the case study provided. They then discussed and sought input from a more experienced Industrial Engineering senior, Isaac. The evaluation results helped them identify the root of the problem more deeply, enabling them to shift their focus on the aspect and design appropriate strategies.

"Once we realized what the real problem was, it was easier to start formulating the strategy," said Joylina.

According to Joylina, focusing on collecting relevant data and validating the proposed solution was key to their success. They faced the biggest challenge in finding time to brainstorm ideas together because each team member has their own agendas.

From this competition, they learned important lessons in time management, effective work planning, and avoiding procrastination.

The final of this competition was attended by six teams from various other universities, such as the University of Indonesia (UI), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Brawijaya University (UB), Bina Nusantara University (BINUS), and a team from Malaysia. Each team was given time to work for 6 days, from June 30 to July 5, 2024.

According to Joylina, the best way to improve one’s abilities is to try a lot and learn from mistakes. She also advised other students to be more active in participating in competitions and always be open to receiving input from mentors.

"Lastly, never give up because no one really knows the momentums of winning or losing," she added.

Reporter: Indra Putra Lohanata (Actuarial Science, 2021)
Translator: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)
Editor: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology, 2021)

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