Rector of ITB Asserts the Importance of Productivity on the Commemoration of 98th Year of PTTI

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA encouraged all stakeholders in engineering higher education to develop education in order to produce graduates of Bachelor, Master’s, and Doctor’s programs that can connect humanity with technology, so that the technology can support human to work and conduct activities easily and productively. This speech is delivered by Prof. Kadarsah in the Ceremony for the 98th Commemoration of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia (PTTI) at Aula Barat ITB, Jl. Ganesa No. 10, Bandung, Rabu (4/7/2018).

“In other words, our graduates of Bachelor, Master’s, and Doctor’s programs could design goods and services by considering two sides, human and engineering sides,” Prof. Kadarsah said in his short speech about the importance of productivity.

Prof. Kadarsah said that, in turn, the graduates of engineering higher education have to be able to make decisions on complex problems, based on analytical, objective, responsible, professional, and trustworthy judgment, as well as having the capability to lifelong learning.

In order to do that, engineering higher education in Indonesia has to operate on the basis of outcome-based education (OBE). There are three steps that have to be carried out well. The first is determining the necessary outcome or competence for students after they graduate.

The second is determining curriculum structure derived from the competence and determining the learning process. The third is assessment strategy to studying result of the students.

On those three steps, PDCA (plan, do, check, action) based continuous improvement should be carried out; plan (based on outcome, curriculum, and learning process), do (implementation of curriculum and learning process), check (implementation of assessment) and action (improvement plan of the learning process if the assessment result shows it is not achieved, or improvement of outcome quality if initial outcome is achieved).

“A challenge faced by higher education in the future is how to build, conduct, and control outcome-based education in order to run effectively; and with limited resource available, this OBE must also be run effectively,” he said.

Regarding technology, he said that even though we realize technology has negative effect on one hand, it also has made human life easier on the other hand, particularly in relation with higher pressure of the population, bigger expectation for better life, and depletion of natural resources.

“Within the course of industrial revolution, technology has taught us that each problem has its solution; and technology should be there on its best position to provide goods and services that human needs at affordable prices, which ultimately leads to human well-being,” Said Kadarsah.

Moreover, Prof. Kadarsah recounted brief history of ITB whose name was Technische Hogeschool (TH) on 1920. It established as the first engineering higher education in Indonesia and transformed into Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1959. “Thanks God since 2013, after the issue of Presidential Regulation 65, ITB changed to PTNBH (State University Legal Entity) until today,” He said.

About ITB’s current development, Kadarsah explained that all study programs have ‘A’ national accreditation. Internationally, 33 study programs receive accreditation from USA, Japan, and Europe. “ITB has produced even more scientific publications. In 2014 there were only 1000 publications, but now there are more than 2000 scientific publications. On other fields, we have 70 startup companies and they operate independently,” he concluded.

On the 98th commemoration of PTTI, ITB also held Exhibition of Research, Innovation, and Community Services at Aula Timur ITB on Wednesday-Thursday, 4th-5th July 2018. The profile for 22 researches from 12 Faculties/Schools in ITB were included in a book that was handed out to participants of the open ceremony. Those researches are among other researches that were conducted by ITB, which were displayed in the exhibition.

Reporter : Adi Permana

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