Commemorating 2024 World Meteorological Day, ITB Meteorology Study Program Held Weather and Climate Change Webinar

Oleh M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

BANDUNG, – Meteorology Study Program of the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FEST), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held a webinar on "Future Pioneers of Indonesian Weather and Climate Information", Thursday (21/3/2024).

This event invited professionals from various organizations whose expertise are weather and climate science, including:

1. Siswanto, Ph.D. (BMKG)
2. Dr. Plato Martuani Siregar, S.Si., M.Si. (ITB)
3. Prof. Dr. Iskhaq Iskandar. M.Sc. (UNSRI)
4. Prof. Sr. Eddy Hermawan (BRIN)
5. Prof. Dr. Rahmat Gernowo, M.Si. (UNDIP)
6. Prof. Dr. Halmar Halide (UNHAS)

The material presented covers the latest climate change status; integration of HF radar systems, satellite receivers, and WRFs; Dynamics of Indo-Pacific Climate Modes; The Asian-Australian Monsoon & ENSO System; extreme rainfall; to the History of Climate Change.

Lecturer from the Meteorology Study Program, Dr. Joko Wiratmo, M.P., said in his speech that this webinar is a form of responsibility from universities to spread awareness related to weather and climate changes in order to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia.
This event was also held to commemorate the World Meteorological Day which falls on March 23, 2024.

"Activities held on March 21 are based on considerations that the sun is currently right above the equator or zero degrees latitude. As of today, the sun is right above Pontianak, " Dr. Joko stated.

Climate change can cause extreme weather changes in various places around the world, including Indonesia. These weather and climate changes are heavily influenced by different phenomena such as monsoons, ENSO, IODs, and various atmospheric waves. Prolonged rainy or dry seasons can also cause loss of property and lives. The understanding of this hydrometeorological disaster is not yet reached by the general public. Therefore, awareness spread by competent organizations, especially universities, is needed.

The theme for this year’s World Meteorological Day is "The Forefront of Climate Change Action", as climate change actions are beyond speeches, it require real actions.

"Several webinars we held were part of our efforts to make people aware of the dangers climate change has. We also engage in the community by delivering community services and actions in the field. Our target are students and teachers because they can potentially be agents of change," said Dr. Joko.

The Dean of FEST ITB, Prof. Dr. Irwan Meilano, S.T., M.Sc., said that climate change issues and its impact in Indonesia are the main focus that they are currently trying to solve. Climate change affects various aspects of life, ranging from health, food security, and water availability, to ecosystem sustainability and biodiversity.

"Today's activity urgency is very relevant, considering the tornado disaster in Rancaekek as one of the unpredictable impacts of climate change that presents serious threats for the community," he said.

This webinar is expected to increase the knowledge of people regarding weather and climate change in Indonesia.
Reporter: Mely Anggrini (Meteorology, 2022)
Translator: Kezia Hosana
Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)

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