Revitalizing Natural Beauty: ITB's KKN Students and Locals Transform Curug Cibodas into a Tourist Attraction
By Ahmad Faujan - Mahasiswa Oseanografi, 2021
Editor Anggun Nindita

The inauguration of the Curug Cibodas tourism village program by the leader of Group 3 of ITB's KKN program, presented to representatives of Kampung Cibodas residents, Dusun 2, Parungbanteng Village, along with souvenir awarding on Saturday (24/08/2024). (Documentation of KKN ITB Group 3)
PURWAKARTA, – Group 3 of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)'s Thematic KKN, known as Lokadewis, recently implemented a 20-day program to revitalize tourism in Kampung Cibodas, Parungbanteng Village, Sukasari District, Purwakarta Regency. The program, which ran from August 6 to 26, 2024, focused on developing Curug Cibodas as a natural tourism destination.
Leader of KKN ITB Group 3, Muhammad Lutfi Annilah (Actuarial Science '22), explained that the program aimed to optimize the local natural tourism potential and restore the beauty of the waterfalls in that village, which had been poorly maintained.
Previously a popular tourist attraction along with two other waterfalls, Curug Cibodas fell into neglect over time and changes in village leadership. The waterfall's water is now only used for irrigating local rice fields. "The waterfall used to be lively thanks to one village head candidate's program, but after the election, there was little follow-up to further develop the waterfall's tourism potential," Lutfi said.
KKN students, along with residents of Kampung Cibodas, Dusun 2, Parungbanteng Village, began clearing the path to Curug Cibodas on Monday (19/08/2024). (Documentation of KKN ITB Group 3)
KKN ITB Group 3 took the initiative to revitalize Curug Cibodas through sustainable programs. Despite the challenges posed by the deteriorated access, their efforts were not in vain. "Initially, community interest in our program was low, but as we continued working, many residents became motivated to join," Lutfi stated.
Their efforts to involve residents in the program implementation apparently paid off. Proven on August 19–20, all villagers participated enthusiastically, allowing the program's activities to run smoothly.
The group's programs included constructing an entrance gate, installing seating, clearing and tidying the access road to the waterfall, and cleaning the waterfall itself. They also set up signage and created a tourist map. "Thank God, all activities went according to plan. The community's involvement was significant, both in technical support and program suggestions," Lutfi noted.
One of the Group 3 KKN ITB's programs, route creation to Curug Cibodas. (Documentation of KKN ITB Group 3)
The group hoped Curug Cibodas would once again attract visitors, creating new job opportunities and boosting the economy in Kampung Cibodas. "With proper management, we believe this waterfall can become a tourist attraction that benefits all residents," Lutfi added.
Teaching activities at school carried out by Group 3 KKN ITB on Thursday (22/08/2024). (Documentation of KKN ITB Group 3)
In addition to their primary focus, Group 3 engaged in various nonthematic activities, such as Quran study, tutoring, organizing Independence Day celebrations, and providing support for musholla. "We want to foster strong relationships with the community, and this KKN experience has offered us many valuable life lessons," he expressed.
View of Curug Cibodas. (Documentation of KKN ITB Group 3)
This KKN program was not just about giving but also about receiving. The students experienced a profound sense of joy and emotional connection with the residents of Kampung Cibodas. "Our time here has been extraordinary, and we feel like we have a new family. This experience has truly reshaped our perspective on life and deepened our gratitude," concluded Lutfi.
Reporter: Ahmad Faujan (Oceanography '21)
Translator: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning'20)
Editor: Ariq Ramadhan Teruna (Chemical Engineering '21)