Road to Ecocampus; Students Movement Towards a Greener Environment

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - Ganesha Hijau (Green Ganesha), an organization formed through the collaboration between student unions in ITB, has recently held a program called the Road to ITB Ecocampus. Various unions took part in the program; the Environmental Engineering Students Union (HMTL), the Architecture Student Union (IMA-G), the Planology Students Union (HMP), the Mechanical Engineering Students Union (HMM), the Biology Students Union (Nymphaea), the Geological Engineering Students Union (GEA), the Chemistry Students Union (Amisca), the Chemical Engineering Students Union (HIMATEK), the Pharmacy Students Union (HMF), the Meteorology Students Union (HMME), representatives of the Product Design major of the Faculty of Arts and Deisng, the U-Green Students Unit, and the Ganesha Bicycler Unit.

"In essence, there are three main points of Green Ganesha; Green Infrastructure, Green Policy, and Green Attitude," the program convener Ronaldiaz Hartantyo (Architecture '07) elaborated.

"Green Infrastructure as an adequate amount of trash bins, available and working water tab, and buildings with natural cooling system without the need of machines such as air conditioners." Ronaldiaz also highlighted ITB's capability to process its own garbages; the only campus in Bandung with such capability and facility.

Green Policy means the rectorate's policies and regulations concerning the campus' resource and waste management. Meanwhile, Green Attitude would refer to the characters of the people in the campus, including their way of thinking and awareness. Ronaldiaz thinks that by building a habit among ITB's population, it's eventually turn into a culture, and finally character.

"Every union and organization in the Green Ganesha has their own respective ideas and creations. This organization facilitates the collaboration and cross-inventions between the union. For example, the Environmental Engineering Union has what they call the SPAH water treatment system while Chemical Engineering has water membrane technology. If the two are combined, we can have a technology that provides us with easier access to clean drinking water."

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