Stephanus Widjanarko: Mechanical Engineering Alumni from ITB designs F1 Racing Car
By Hafshah Najma Ashrawi
Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG, Car racing is one of the most popular competitions in the world. There are many classes of racing cars in the world, one is a Formula One (F1). F1 is the most prestigious car racing competition consisting of various teams, such as Ferrari, Mercedes, Lotus, Red Bull Racing, and others. Each team joined in F1 should make his own racing car construction to be able to compete on the circuit. One of the ITB alumni of Mechanical Engineering, 2004, Stephanus Widjanarko, became one of the engineer in charge of designing the F1 car working in Italy.
Nowadays Tephie, as we called his nickname, joined the Scuderia Torro Roso - a youth team of Red Bull Racing. In this team, Tephie takes his part in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) CFD aerodynamicist in particular in the external aero development. "I was commissioned to design the front based aero side, or in greater detail on the front wing, the nose, the forward barge boards, suspension layout, tire shield," said Tephie.
There are several steps that must be carried out within the framework of the process of making F1 car. "First of all we make the idea first, and then the idea is realized in the form of 3D surfaces. Having it included in CFD models, then the last test performed using a wind tunnel," said Tephie. After wind tunnel tests showed good results, the model sent to the Design Office to be realized in full scale body.
The process of drafting up ideas through wind tunnel testing takes approximately 2-3 weeks. "This is what distinguishes the work in F1 with another company. Its work rhythm was a solid work in F1 because of its short timeline, there is a deadline in almost everyday," said Tephie. Since the beginning of joining the F1 team in April 2013 and, Tephie involved in the last phase of development of the car TR8. In 2014, Tephie involved in virtually all phases of development TR9 car. "Now that I've started working on the project of making a car for next year," added Tephie.
Stepping stone in his career
Working in F1 company was one of Tephie's dream since his childhood. Because of it, Tephie and his father really like to see the F1 car racing game. "In 2004 when I had entered ITB, my father and I watched F1 racing competition live in Kuala Lumpur. Then I thought it would be so exciting if I could work in F1 company after graduating from ITB," said Tephie.
The journey begins when Tephie entered Mechanical Engineering course at ITB in 2004. It can be said that his academic career at ITB Tephie arguably very successful. This is evidenced from the grade point average (GPA) at 3.95 from a scale to 4 that Tephie obtained. After graduating from ITB, Tephie plans to continue his studies abroad. "From the beginning I really wanted to go to school abroad, because I want to see the world outside and experience abroad," said Tephie.
The opportunity to study abroad comes a year after graduation graduation Tephie. While waiting, Tephie filled his time for an internship for 3 months as a Drilling Engineer at Chevron, Balikpapan. "After the internship, I returned to my lab supervisor, Mr. Pulung Nurprasetio for auxiliary aids and preparing to write a research paper for English prep school," said Tephie.
In 2009, Tephie got a scholarship to continue his studies S2 in Engineering Fluid Dynamics / Sustainable Energy Technology at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. Until finally in 2011, Tephie obtaining his master's degree with honors excellent. It can be seen from the Grade Point Average (GPA) obtained at 8.05 scale 10 "Here I learned not only from the technical side course, but I also learned a lot about the social side," said Tephie.
Because of his interest in the field of aerodynamics and wind turbine, Tephie had an internship at Vestas Wind Systems A / S, Denmark on Aerodynamics Development Engineer position for 4 months during the first year of study S2nya. "Here I met with one of the former Toyota F1 engine designer, and I talked a lot about the working atmosphere in the F1," said Tephie. Then after getting a master's degree, worked for a year as a Tephie Applied CFD Engineer at Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR), The Netherlands. Then Tephie also filed applications to various areas of the company. At the end of many applications, Tephie successfully accepted to work in his dream-racing car company.
To encourage himself in reaching goals, Tephie often appreciate himself on any success he obtained. "I remember one of college management innovation by Prof. Gede Raka : that we should appreciate ourselves, so you should do what you love so that you live it all in a relaxed and carefree," said Tephie.
Of the many successes that have been achieved, there were also many influential people to Tephie who help him achieving these dreams. "Great family, good lecturers at ITB and in the Netherlands, as well as friends who have always supported me," said Tephie. In the process of achieving our success, not everything goes according to plan. "There must be an up and down in life but I always believe when there is a will there is a way," Tephie lid.