University Lecture #3 Road to IDF 2021, ITB Responds to SEZ and KI Problems

By Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) accepted the invitation from the Ministry of National Development Planning/ Bappenas to attend the University Lecture #3. The event was held in the framework of Road to Indonesia Development Forum (RIDF) 2021. ITB was present as the innovation catalysator of industrial estates and economy along with another four technological institutes.

This University Lecture #3 has the theme "Strategy for Development of Industrial Estates and Special Economic Zones to Promote Equitable Growth in New Economic Centers" on Thursday (22/07/2021). The event was hosted by Ad interim Regional Director III of Bappenas Ika Retna Wulandary. Then, it was opened by J. Rizal Primana as the person in charge of the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) 2021 as well as the Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure of Bappenas.

As speakers who started the discussion session, Bappenas Deputy for Regional Development Rudy S. Prawiradinata and Bappenas Deputy for Economics Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti took turns in discussing the development of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and Industrial Estates (KI) in Indonesia.

The policy directions for strategic area development contained in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) suggest increasing the competitive advantage of regional growth centers through the development of priority strategic areas, including SEZs and Industrial Estates.

In accordance with Law No. 39 of 2009, SEZ itself was developed with the aim of encouraging the presence of new economic growth centers outside Java. Currently, there are a total 18 SEZs spreading throughout Indonesia. Cumulatively, 14 of these SEZs have resulted in realized investment of Rp52.23 trillion and job creation with a total of 22,968 workers until the first quarter of 2021.

"Why do we want to encourage SEZ, because with new investment and employment, it is hoped that in the long term, it can improve the welfare of the community both in the location and residents in other locations," explained Rudy.

In addition, the development of Industrial Estates (KI) is also encouraged to harmonize the need for expansion of industrial areas to grow new growth centers with the competitiveness they have and develop. "Industrialization is important to turn a country into a high-income country," said Amalia Adininggar.

One of the industrial areas that has succeeded in providing a large socio-economic impact is KI Morowali. Morowali Regency's per capita income, which was originally Rp. 114 million per year in 2015, has now reached more than Rp. 170 million per year. The shift in the share of the industrial sub-sector from a low technology industry to a high technology industry is one of the factors for this economic development.

Integration and Synergy

In the response session, the Head of Institut Teknologi Bandung Masters and Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering, Ir. Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, M.T., Ph.D. touched on the issue of transportation in the development of SEZ and KI. "A product from industry must be supported by transportation," he said.

Sony said, the support for transportation facilities is one of the keys to the success of SEZs and KI. Therefore, it is necessary to link the offers from SEZ and KI development with transportation. For example, in reviewing access to destination and transportation in destination in a strategic area.

“Location is important, but the integration of transportation networks needs to be synergized. There needs to be a synergy from the division of roles and responsibilities,” explained Sony.

Reporter: Achmad Lutfi Harjanto (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2020)
Translator: Aghisna Syifa Rahmani (Biologi, 2020)