Overview of Postgraduate Studies at ITB Through the 2021 New Graduate Students Briefing Workshop
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Graduate School ITB held a workshop, namely "Guidances for New Graduate Students," on Thursday (19/8/2021). The workshop committee invited several resourceful key speakers, namely Dr. Hilman Palaon (VP of Financial Service and Inclusion Gojek), Dr. Muhammad Ibnu Choldun Rachmatullah (PT POS Polytechnic Lecturer), Eri Krismiyaningsih, MT (Academic Assistant), and Maghfira Ramadhani, MT (Academic Assistant).
The workshop was opened with greetings from Prof. Dr. Suprijadi as the Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Yuli Setyo Indartono as Head of ITB Library, and Dr. Irwan Meilano as the Dean of FITB.
Hilman Palaon presented his discussion in the first presentation, namely "Publication in Reputable Journal - Scopus Indexed". He explained that publishing scientific articles is a requirement that postgraduate students must consider. According to him, graduate students must determine the purpose and stage of the research from the start. Hilman also emphasized the importance of sending scientific article manuscripts to publishers.
"We have to determine the outline of the writing from the start; keep in line, and nothing should not be missed," explained Hilman.
Hilman recommends the audience use pyramids in making scientific articles. Also, the students should think about several contains for submitting papers to journals, namely data, research methods and results, discussions, literature reviews, conclusions, introductions, and titles.
Muhammad Ibnu then continued the workshop with a second presentation titled "Strategies for Achieving Success in Postgraduate Education and Research Programs". He started the discussion by emphasizing the urgency of observing the curriculum structure and consulting with the supervisors for students' future success.
To speed up the time for graduation, Ibnu suggested to the audience to complete the courses according to the allotted time. "Make doctoral studies a top priority, even though we also have many responsibilities in the office. Do research with a focus, independent and progressive," said Ibnu.
Eri Krismiyaningsih then brought up the topic of conversation titled "Strategies for Postgraduate Completion in the Digital Era". She started the presentation by discussing the description of online lectures and sharing her experience while attending online lectures. She acknowledged that online lectures provide many conveniences, such as facilitating access to lecture activities, saving on accommodation and transportation costs, and opening up opportunities to explore various virtual-based events.
"However, many students, including myself, feel that online lectures are more complicated than offline lectures. Whether it's because of internet network disturbances, not being able to meet friends, absorption of material that is not optimal, limited practice activities, and so on," said Eri.
Therefore, Eri prepared various strategies for participating in online-based lectures. "Online students can do it by creating a conducive learning place, paying attention to routines, setting learning targets, participating in activities outside of lectures, implementing active listening, and getting to know friends from the department."
The workshop ended with a presentation on material with the theme "The Strategy for Complete Postgraduate Education in the Digital Era" by Maghfira Ramadhani. Maghfira said that the lecture should begin by determining the study's reasons, methods, and objectives.
"It is better for friends to be proactive in doing college assignments and consult with colleges. Also, apply professionalism in managing the time of all matters properly," said Maghfira.
Lifestyle balance is also essential, said Maghfira. Even though there are many tasks ahead, students still need to find entertainment to calm their minds. Expand chatting with friends, majors, or other friends.
Knowing the ins and outs of postgraduate life certainly helps the student's college life. Thus, students should find out from an early age and continue to prioritize research and academics properly.
Reporter: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Region and City Planning, 2019)
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo