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The Actuarial Science Undergraduate Program is a specialized discipline that utilizes mathematical and statistical methods to evaluate and control risks, with a specific focus on insurance, encompassing life and general insurance (including coverage for natural disasters and reinsurance), pension funds, investments, and banking.

Research Topics
Furthermore, the application of actuarial science extends beyond the insurance sector. It can be utilized in risk management across diverse industries, including agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, mining, and manufacturing. Actuarial science incorporates various disciplines, encompassing mathematics, statistics, probability theory, finance, economics, and computational science.

The objective of the Actuarial Science Undergraduate Program is to ensure that graduates, five years after completing their education, can: 

  1. Advance their careers by applying actuarial science principles in organizations operating in various sectors that require actuarial expertise, such as the financial industry, construction industry, mining industry, consulting firms, and government regulators.
  2. Attain recognition as an actuary from the Indonesian Actuary Association also other international actuarial associations.
  3. Become driving forces within their organizations by applying and developing their knowledge and skills while possessing effective communication and leadership abilities.
  4. Contribute to the formulation of strategic policies for the welfare of society based on high integrity and ethical values.
  5. Actively engage in professional development activities, including expert certifications and further studies.

The expected outcomes of the Actuarial Science Undergraduate Program are as follows:

  1. Possess sufficient knowledge and insights in mathematics, with a relatively deep understanding of mathematics related to actuarial science and finance and the ability to apply them in problem-solving.
  2. Determine premiums, establish technical reserves (premium and claims reserves), and perform assessments using statistical and mathematical techniques.
  3. Be capable of determining and managing financial portfolios.
  4. Design and manage risks for insurance, pension funds, investments, and banking efficiently by integrating actuarial models, financial science, economics, and computer tools.
  5. Gain practical experience in actuarial science through internships, independent projects, or research.
  6. Demonstrate practical communication skills, both orally and in writing; work effectively in teams; uphold ethical standards; and behave professionally.

As a newly established study program, the Actuarial Undergraduate Study Program also has ''Baik'' (Good) Accreditation from BAN-PT, as in the same study program at other universities in Indonesia, which shows that this program meets the quality standards set by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education.

Several collaborations in teaching, research, and community service have been established nationally and internationally to produce graduates of high quality and competence to current industry demands. Work experience in the form of an internship is one of the courses students must take. By collaborating with the Association of Indonesian Actuaries (Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia/PAI), some of the available courses can be equated with the PAI exam subjects, where students who pass well from these courses can be recognized as passing 7 (seven) exam modules. Thus, students can immediately get ASAI (Associate of Society of Actuary of Indonesia) certification upon graduating from the study program.

The academic community continuously develops An excellent academic atmosphere, which adequate laboratory and library facilities facilitate. Students can channel their desire to organize by being active in student associations and having the opportunity to become assistants for classes or computer laboratories. Various options for students, such as student exchange opportunities, student competitions, and MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) activities, are facilitated by the study program.

Career Prospects
The job prospects of Actuarial graduates are extensive in various sectors. Graduates of the Actuarial Undergraduate Study Program have promising career opportunities as actuaries, risk consultants, risk managers, financial analysts, investment managers, or in other risk analysis and management roles in various industries and sectors.

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Gedung Center for Advanced Sciences (CAS), 4th Floor
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132 Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Phone number: +62-22-2502545  
Fax: +62-22-2506450