Ocean Engineering (OE) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is a study program focusing on sciences and engineering related to structures and infrastructure on the nearshore and offshore. OE ITB provides a body of knowledge that includes science and mathematics, basic engineering, professionalism, application, and design (design) in the field of Ocean Engineering, which consists of the principles of ocean waves, underwater acoustics, protection of coasts, coastal structures, offshore structures, marine geomechanics, ports, marine modeling, coastal and marine environmental management, ocean energy, and ocean engineering design.
OE ITB is supported by 23 professional educators, most certified as Insinyur Profesional Utama (IPU) and Insinyur Profesional Madya (IPM). In addition, OE ITB has been internationally accredited by IABEE and accredited "Unggul" (Excellent) from the Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN-PT).The OE Program has a strong relationship with Indonesia's ocean engineering-related industries. As the largest archipelago country in the world, Indonesia has a high demand for highly qualified ocean engineers.
The establishment of OE ITB aims to equip its graduates with the necessary skills and capabilities to excel and thrive at national, regional, and international levels and enable them to tackle the following challenges:
Career Prospects:
OE ITB graduates can work at all levels: in the public sectors (city to the national government), privates, to international companies, with the following competencies:
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Gedung T.P Rachmat (Labtek VI) ITB 3rd Floor
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132
Phone number: +6222 2509117, 2511925