QS World Ranking: ITB Achieved the Top 500 World's Best University Ranking
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

"At the age of 57 to this ITB continues to strive to enter the 500 world's best educational institutions. This is in line with the achievement of the targets set by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education, so that there is a college in Indonesia achieved the Top 500 World's Best University, " Dr. Miming Miharja said, as Vice Rector of the Public Administration, Communication and Alumni Affair ITB. In addition, Dr. Miming added that it is not detached from the alumni contribute for achievements based on the assessment of the user. "ITB on Graduation II year 2015/2016 this will graduate 88 doctoral, 769 masters and undergraduate 593. The graduation of the new alumni ITB this attempted return contributed the achievements to the ITB, "added Dr. Miming.
Earlier in the year 2015, ITB has been incised results boast in world university rankings released by the QS World University Rankings. The reason, ITB ranked 51-100 in the field of art and design world. These rankings make the ITB entered the ranks of the eight best campus se-Asia and the best among the Islamic countries in the field of art and design. By 2015, too, in the Asian rankings, ITB ranked 35 in the field of engineering and technology, ranked 44 in the field of Biological Sciences and medicine, and ranked 50th in the fields of natural science and Social Science and management.
This time, as a birthday gift from the QS World University rankings, ITB managed to occupy a rank to-431 from previous position at no. 461 on a global level. While in Asia, the position of the ITB also rose to the position of the sort to-122 from the previous year in the 125 position. This achievement is the result of hard work of ITB academicians that consistently continue to produce current researches. Through its research center, ITB has been conducting a wide range of innovative research, ranging from in the field of renewable energy, information and communication technology, urban planning and infrastructure, creative industries/products of culture and environment, to the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The survey results certainly became one of the extent parameters lead to ITB vision to become as a superior College, dignified, self-supporting, and recognized the world as well as guiding changes to increase the wealth of Indonesia and the world.