ITB Lecturer Held Artwor Exhibition

Oleh Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

BANDUNG, - As a college that upholds the pillars of art, ITB often organizes exhibition of works of art that invites a lot of attention. For the third time, ITB through Soemardja Gallery held a "Report / Knowledge # 3: Academic Staff Exhibition 2014" which exhibits art lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (FSRD) ITB. The event took place on Thursday (04/09/14) to Sunday (09/28/14) aims to showcase various works of art and the ideas of the faculty in the form of archival books, exhibition catalogs, to articles on art. This annual exhibition lined up to be a proving ground for students and teachers FSRD own environment.

"This exhibition is a rare event, especially for students FSRD environment. Through this exhibition, we can witness firsthand the work of the ideas that are rarely shown lecturer in the classroom," said Danuh (Staff Research and Data Processing Soemardja Gallery, ITB). There are dozens of works of art made of lecturers who enliven the exhibition. In addition to works such as paintings, sculptures, and figure, also presented research work of faculty and other archives. Most of the works on display is the work that has been exhibited in several exhibitions of Indonesian art masters, such as the exhibition held at the National Gallery of Indonesia, and Edwin Gallery, Jakarta. In addition, the works on display are also the result of work performed during the year reported to the visitor as an arena show works.

One of the works that attract visitors are the sculptures made by Drs. Amrizal Salayan, M.Sn. (Fine Arts Lecturer ITB) entitled "Yesterday, Tomorrow is Today". The work-leaf plant species originating from the large ketapang have the meanings associated with the philosophy of life. Starting from this description leaves falling phase with a fresh green color still until lightly browned. "Through this work, I tried to explain that human life is like a leaf, the point we have to remember the state between life and death. Nobody knows," Amrizal Salayan said.

In addition to the Amrizal Salayan's work, there Tisna Sanjaya artist's work entitled "Spirit". 200x200 paintings were made directly by using charcoal. This work intends to describe the figure of a presidential candidate who was ambitious reach the highest in Indonesia. "This painting is a kind of artifact of Indonesian history. Charcoal Through this painting, I describe the condition of Presidential election campaign of 2014, of course, that the next generation can see the history of Indonesia," Tisna said after the opening of the exhibition.

The exhibition was opened by Bambang Sugiharto (Professor of philosophy Parahyangan University, Bandung) will be closed with a discussion among artists by inviting students and other community members about the art, and of course related to the exhibition. Art is fundamental owned by humans, through the work delivered by the lecturers we can see the deep meaning associated philosophy of life.

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