36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2006

Oleh Krisna Murti

Editor Krisna Murti

Committee on space research akan menyelenggarakan 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly di Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and Beijing Friendship Hotel Beijing, China. Pertemuan internasional yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 16 – 23 Juli 2006 akan menjadi ajang promosi riset ilmiah bidang luar angkasa di tingkat internasional. Penekanannya tentunya adalah pada pertukaran hasil riset, informasi dan opini, dan untuk menyediakan forum -yang terbuka bagi semua ilmuwan- untuk dapat berdiskusi mengenai masalah yang dapat berdampak bagi riset luar angkasa. Berikut ini adalah garis besar program yang akan diselenggarakan dalam COSPAR Scientific Commission A: Space Studies of the Earth's Surface, Meteorology and Climate A0.1 Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS): Which Role for Science, Which Benefits for Society? A1.1 Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Surface Layer, Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere A2.1 Biological and Physical Oceanographic Processes from Satellite Data A3.1 Terrestrial phenomena and land products from space: validation, application and perspectives Scientific Commission B: Space Studies of the Earth-Moon System, Planets, and Small Bodies of the Solar System B0.1 The Moon: Recent Results, Science, Future Robotic and Human Exploration B0.2 Mars Exploration: Latest Results and Status of International Cooperation B0.3 Cassini-Huygens in the Saturnian System: Planet Saturn, Rings, Titan, Icy (and other) Satellites, Magnetospheres B0.4 Small Bodies Exploration PSD1/B2.1 Satellite Dynamics: Meeting the Challenges of Positioning on Giga-to-Nanometer Scales Scientific Commission C: Space Studies of the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth and Planets including Reference Atmospheres C0.1 The Transition between Science Models and International Standard Models (ISO) C0.2 Advances in Remote Sensing of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere from the Ground and from Space, including Sounding Rockets C1.1 Advances in Low- and Mid-Latitude Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Ionosphere Studies C1.2 6th Thermospheric-Ionospheric-Geospheric (TIGER) Symposium C2.1 Solar and Extra-Terrestrial Influence in the Middle Atmosphere and Coupling Mechanisms through Dynamics, Composition and Electro-Dynamics C2.2 Tides, Waves and Coupling Processes from Troposphere to Ionosphere C2.3 Small Scale Processes in the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere Region C2.4 Meteor Science and Techniques: Composition, Sources, Sinks, and Global Distribution of Meteoric Metals C3.1 Planetary Atmospheres C3.2 Planetary Upper Atmospheres, Ionospheres and Magnetospheres C3.3 First Results from Venus Express C4.1 Development and Adoption of a New Series of COSPAR International Reference Atmospheric Models C4.2 Modelling the Solar Activity Variations of Ionospheric Parameters C4.3 Final Stages of Development of Mars International Reference Atmosphere (MIRA) C4.4 Progress on the Jupiter International Reference Atmosphere (JIRA) and Initial Consideration of Reference Atmospheres for Saturn and Titan (SIRA and TIRA) C5.1/D4.1 Space Applications of Dusty Plasmas C5.2/D4.2 Active Experiments Related to Space Plasmas Scientific Commission D: Space Plasmas in the Solar System, including Planetary Magnetospheres D1.1 Structure and Dynamics of the Three-Dimensional Heliosphere D1.2 Heliophysical Processes: Towards the International Heliophysical Year 2007 D2.1/E3.1 Solar Wind and (I)CMEs: toward Integrated Sun-Earth Connection Science D2.2/E3.2 Magnetic Coupling in Solar and Stellar Atmospheres D2.3/E3.3 Probing the Solar Wind: Recent Results and Future Prospects D2.4/E3.4 The Radiation Environment of the Inner Heliosphere E2.1/D2.5/E3.5 Scientific and Technological Requirements for Future High-Resolution Solar Physics Space Missions E2.3/D2.6/E3.6 Energetic Particles and Magnetic Reconnection on the Sun and in the Heliosphere D3.1 Multiscale Magnetospheric Processes: Theory, Simulations, and Multipoint Observations D3.2 Global Magnetospheric Dynamics and Energetic Particles D3.3 Comparative Magnetospheres D3.4 Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling and Auroral Particle Acceleration D3.5 Paradigms and Reality of Space Physics: Measurements versus Common Wisdom C5.1/D4.1 Space Applications of Dusty Plasmas C5.2/D4.2 Active Experiments Related to Space Plasmas Scientific Commission E: Research in Astrophysics from Space E0.1/H0.4 Small Space Science Missions: Broaden Our Horizons in Space E1.1 Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era E1.2/H0.2-2 Multi-scale and Multi-wavelength Studies of Black Holes E1.3 Different Manifestations of Neutron Stars E1.4 New High-Energy Results on Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae E1.5 Challenges in High Resolution Space Astronomy: Astrophysics, Technology and Data E1.6 Advances in FIR and Submillimeter Astrophysics E1.7 Origin, Evolution, and Propogation of Cosmic Rays in the Galaxy E1.8 Shedding New Light on Dark Matter and Dark Energy E2.1/D2.5/E3.5 Scientific and Technological Requirements for Future High-Resolution Solar Physics Space Missions E2.2 The Solar and Stellar Interior and Dynamo Mechanism E2.3/D2.6/E3.6 Energetic Particles and Magnetic Reconnection on the Sun and in the Heliosphere E2.4 Solar Magnetic Field and Activities D2.1/E3.1 Solar Wind and (I)CMEs: toward Integrated Sun-Earth Connection Science D2.2/E3.2 Magnetic Coupling in Solar and Stellar Atmospheres D2.3/E3.3 Probing the Solar Wind: Recent Results and Future Prospects D2.4/E3.4 The Radiation Environment of the Inner Heliosphere Scientific Commission F: Life Sciences as Related to Space F1.1 Gravitational Effects on Plants and Unicellular Systems F1.2 Animal Studies in Microgravity and Hypergravity F1.3/F2.5 International Policy and Guidelines for the Care and Use of Animals in Space-borne Research F2.1 Space Radiation Biology F2.2 Physical and Biophysical Models and Simulation Codes for Space Radiation Risk Assessment F2.3 Recent Radiation Measurements and Calibration F2.4 Protection Issues in Connection with Human Missions to Mars F3.1 Organic Chemistry in the Solar System and other Planetary Systems: Exo-, Astro-, and Cosmo-biological Aspects F3.2 Interstellar/Protostellar Organic Chemistry F3.3 Boundaries of Life F3.4 Biosignatures F4.1/F4.2 Closed Ecological Systems for Earth and Space F4.3 System Analysis and Optimum Integration of CELSS for Long-Duration Missions F4.4 Influence of Spaceflight Environments on Biological Systems F4.5 Closure as a Specific Property of Manmade Ecosystems and Biospheres F4.6 Space Environment Effects on Systems Biology, Monitoring Using Bio-Informatics F5.1 Integrated Physiology in Microgravity and Simulation Studies F5.2 Psychological Issues in Connection with Human Long-term Space Missions Scientific Commission G: Materials Sciences in Space G0.1 Gravitational Effects in Physico-Chemical, Transport and Bio-Processes Scientific Commission H: Fundamental Physics in Space H0.1-1 Tests of General Relativity H0.1-2 Gravitational Waves in Physics and Astronomy H0.2-1 Particle Astrophysics E1.2/H0.2-2 Multi-scale and Multi-wavelength Studies of Black Holes H0.3 Condensed Matter and Matter Wave Interferometry in Space E0.1/H0.4 Small Space Science Missions: Broaden Our Horizons in Space Panels (Satellite Dynamics, Scientific Ballooning, Environmentally Detrimental Activities, Standard Belt Environment Modelling, Space Weather, Planetary Protection, Capacity Building) and Special Sessions PCB1 Opportunities for Capacity Building Associated with the IHY PEDAS1 Space Debris PPP1 Planetary Protection Policy and Planning PPP2 Planetary Protection Technologies and Concepts PRBEM1 Empirical and Theoretical Models of the Geospace Radiation Environment PSB1 New Era in Ballooning for Advanced Scientific Missions PSD1/B2.1 Satellite Dynamics: Meeting the Challenges of Positioning on Giga-to-Nanometer Scales PSW1 Space Weather: Observations and Modeling for Applications and Operations Special 1 Space Science Education (Programs, Styles, Strategies, Practice) Special 2 Space and Earth Science Education and Outreach untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi, http://meetings.copernicus.org/cospar2006/index.html atau http://www.cospar2006.org/

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