Oleh Rendy Maulana - ITB

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19 SBM-ITB’s Students to Join Harvard A United Nations Simulation Conference “Harvard National Model United Nations 2007” Bandung, February 8th, 2007 – School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung, the top business school in Indonesia. It provide the students a facilities for its students improving their knowledge, skills and experiences “Facing the global business environment, SBM-ITB has an obligation preparing its students facing the unpredictable global competition. The result, SBM has a vision it may produce the new generation of Indonesian future professionals with a capability of decision making, generating new ideas and creativity. To ensure it SBM-ITB encourages the student to take a part in the International events”. Prof. Surna Tjahja Djajadiningrat, PhD, Dean of School of Business and Management In 2006 SBM-ITB has sent its delegate to the “The 1st Ordos International Folklore Festival “in china with the best overall performance as a group is awarded by the audiences. To continue its vision now SBM-ITB will send a delegation of 19 students to another Prestigious International Event. SBM ITB Delegations on Harvard National Model United Nations 2007 “Our Response to the World Changes” What is HNMUN 2007? “The most prestigious conference of its kind” The 53rd session of Harvard National Model United Nations (Harvard NMUN) is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious conference of its kind. The goal of Harvard NMUN is to offer a unique opportunity to experience the challenges of international negotiation and diplomacy. This event serves as a forum in which students from top universities around the world can meet to discuss the greatest challenges facing the world today. “Over 2500 delegates” In this event, Harvard brings over 2,500 students and faculty together from top colleges and top universities around the world to simulate the activities of the United Nations such as University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, WestPoint Military Academy, Leiden University of Netherlands, UCLA, University of Beijing, and National University of Singapore and other top universities around the world “Hot Topics Discussion” Harvard National Model United Nations strives to ensure in providing an educational and comprehensive look at diverse range of pressing issues in every committee in United Nations such as: 1. Disarmament and Security committee, which discusses about state sponsored terrorism. 2. Economic and Financial committee, which discusses about third world debt and digital divide. 3. Legal committee, which discusses multinational corporations and international law, reparations and restitutions. 4. Social Humanitarian and Cultural committee, which discusses reproductive healthcare and human trafficking. 5. World Health Organization, which discusses about organ transplantation and urban environment. 6. Special Political and Decolonization committee, which discusses about indigenous people and politic after war in Iran. 7. Commonwealth Heads and Government Meetings, which discusses about the diplomacy of global health and trade and agriculture. When and where is HNMUN 2007? This event will be held on Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston-Massachusetts, USA on February 13th-18th 2007. Why HNMUN 2007? • This is our opportunity to make ITB in line with the best universities all over the world. • By gathering new information, ideas, various international perspectives and critiques, we will be able to develop new solutions for Indonesia’s tomorrow. Supported by: • Develop a global network community for Indonesia through the SBM-ITB delegations on HNMUN. Invitation for Post Press Conference This event supported by : Telkomsel - Medco Energy - PTPN III Date : Thursday, March 15th, 2007 Place : Campus Center ITB JL Ganeca No. 10 Bandung 40132 Time : 10.00-12.00 am Participants : National printing and electronic media partners For Further Information, Please Contact: Faried Caesar Nugroho Media Relations +62 856 237 8399 Email: Andi Taufan Garuda Putra Head Delegates +62 811 237 050 Email: School of Business and Management ITB SBM ITB Building Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40152 Jawa Barat

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