The 7th Forum on Patient Registries
Oleh Krisna Murti
Editor Krisna Murti

CBI dan Oviation Research Group akan meneyelenggarakan The 7th Forum on Patient Registries Strategies for Maximizing Registry Performance for Clinical and Commercial Use. Konferensi akan diselenggarakan pada 21-22 September 2005 di Park Hyatt, Philadelphia, Amerika Serikat.
Akan diselenggarakan presentasi dan pembahasan studi kasus mengenai:
+ Patient Registries - Opportunity, Requirement, Responsibility Exploring the Complexities of Registries within the Industry Understanding the Current Regulatory Environment for Conducting Registries
+ Developing Successful Partnerships for Registry Success Learning the Operational Challenges of Conducting a Patient Registry
+ Discovering Strategies for Developing Effective Global Registries
Presentasi kunci:
"Patient Registries and Their Impact on Product Reimbursement" Steve Phurrough, M.D., MPA, Director, Coverage and Analysis Group, Office of Clinical Standards and Quality, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Standards
"The Role of Registries in the Post-Approval Setting" Grannum Sant, M.D., Vice President, Urology Medical Affairs, sanofi-aventis; Adjunct Professor, Urology, Tufts University
"Use Data to Improve the Quality of Care", John Spertus, M.D., MPH, FACC, Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Director of Cardiovascular Education and Outcomes Research, Mid America Heart Institute
Choose from 2 Pre-Conference Workshops-Wednesday, September 21, 2005:
Pada 21 September 2005 akan diselenggarakan dua lokakarya pilihan:
A. "REGISTRY LIFE"-Learn to Navigate the Registry Challenge
B. Understand the Current Environment and Requirements for Conducting Medical Device Registries
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