ITB Jatinangor campus will be developed on the land asset of West Java Province Government which once used by Universitas Winaya Mukti Jatinangor. The land with area of +/- 47 ha stretches from north and south and faces Jalan Raya Bandung – Sumedang. In the future, the government plans to build Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan (Cisumdawu) toll road on the north side of campus. In around 1980, Jatinangor established as city university in the development strategy of satellite cities Bandung or well known as Bandung Metropolitan.
ITB Jatinangor campus has bumpy land topography with the highest contour on the north side. The contour decreases on the west side towards Ci Caringin creek and on the southern land towards Jalan Raya Jatinangor. At the time this campus was developed, there were existing facilities consist of the following buildings:
There are also supporting facilities such as Library, Multipurpose building, sport facilities (soccer fields, tennis court, and basketball court). In addition, there are also several facilities located on Tanjungsari campus such as :
In order to carry out ITB’s mission especially related to human resource development, the scientific development at ITB – Jatinangor campus is directed to the formation of study programs that will produce human resources specifically that can support:
Undergraduate Program (S1)
Programs which relevant to the field of science that will be developed at ITB Jatinangor Campus include the following:
Master Programs (S2)
The Master’s Program to be developed at ITB Jatinangor Campus includes:
a. Masters in Applied Sensors and Geographic Information Systems
b. Masters in Groundwater Engineering
c. Master in Applied Landscape Architecture
Continuing Education
Accommodate the following activities:
Transfer Degree
Accommodate the following activities:
Research Activity
Campus research activities are accommodated in two types of facilities namely Technopark and Field Laboratory
Accommodate the following activities:
Field Laboratory
Accommodate the following activities: