5 Years Celebration, School of Business and Management ITB

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id- School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB , Saturday ( 3/1), held its five years forming celebration. Attended by Prof.Dr.Djoko Santoso, ITB Rector; Prof.Ir.Surna Tjahja Djajadiningrat, M.Sc. Phd, Dean of SBM-ITB; Dr.Ir. Widyo Nugroho, Vice Rector for Students and Alumni; Ir.M.Hatta Rajasa, Head of ITB Alumni Association (IA-ITB); Kusmayanto Kadiman, PhD, ITB former Rector , Indonesia Ministry of Research and Technology ; Dr. Ir.Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Head of SBM-ITB Council; and SBM-ITB alumni  witnessed the celebration that took place in West Hall (Aula Barat)ITB. Celebration filled with talkshow,Dean oration about reflection of 5 years SBM-ITB, SBM video screening, A Journey of Excellence, and forming declaration SBM-ITB Alumni Association.


Event started at 6:30 PM with dinner. There were also SBM students business project stand. Then, at night, event continued with Talkshow " Reflection of 5 Years SBM". In talkshow, Dean of SBM expressed, "Five years just only beginning, there is still long way to go," he said.

Reflection of 5 Years SBM-ITB
Started from MBA program  (in 1990), then its become School of Business and Management ITB  (SBM-ITB) uniting Master of Business Administration ( MBA) program, bachelor degree program, and Magister Science Management (MSM) program  by the end of year 2003. In the early of its forming, Swa Magazine awarded " The Best Idea 2005" for non-technology innovative category to SBM for program " Integrative Business Experience" that is one of the subject SBM bachelor degree program. SBM-ITB lecturers  have also got the achievement of research, such as from Indonesia Bank and organization of treasury watching (BPK). Student of bachelor degree program, year of 2006,involved in governmental program, Smart Car and Smart House, Ciwidey, West Java. International achievement have also been reached by the  SBM-ITB students such as L'oreal E-Strat business competition  and competition of ASEAN business developement. SBM-ITB have a vision to give inspiration and develop the inovative and responsible industrialist and entrepreneur who is capable to add value to the society. Holding to values as foundation such as integrity, strive for excellence, mutual trust, innovative, and harmony, SBM-ITB shows its commitment to achieve a citation as excellent School of Business and Management in South East Asia, year 2015.

SBM-ITB Alumni Unifier Moment
The important session in this celebration was a declaration of forming SBM-ITB Alumni Association that firming up bachelor degree program Alumni and MBA program Alumni. Through this alumni association, alumni unite their vision to create sinergy in developing inovation,technology, and business to give the contribution, either directly or not, to alumni, ITB, and country. Hatta Rajasa Head of ITB Alumni Association (IA-ITB) accepted the joining SBM-ITB Alumni Association as part of ITB Alumni Association (IA-ITB). There were also a launching SBM-ITB Alumni website, http://alumni.sbm.itb.ac.id/

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