Admins are Human (Student), Too

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

"It is my duty, as ITB admin (administrator) mail, to ensure that the whole ITB civitas academica, be it staff or students, is capable of sending and receiving email using ITB email account," said Wahyu, student of Electrical Engineering 2007 in full enthusiasm when asked about his duty and responsibility as ITB email administrator email di ITB.

Arif, student of Electrical Engineering 2006, who is also in charge of email administration said, "It was initiated when I first join the ARC and learned about network. When there was a recruitment to become Admin, I enrolled myself and am now in charge of becoming ITB main Admin, specifically in NIC and VPN."

ITB's policy is to employ the students to become network and internet infrastructure administrator. This had lasted long, since the early implementation of internet in ITB.

"The policy is really beneficial. Students can gain professional working experience, by serving as many as 15.000 users, with more than 4.000 computers. ITB also benefits by getting affordable employees with sufficient skills plus the spirit to always perform improvements." Wahyu shared his opinion.

Arif agreed with Wahyu. "Students will gain valuable experience in the working field, after graduating from ITB. ITB, on the other hand, will benefit from the high spirited students,"

Apparently, there are consequences from deciding to be a network and infrastructure administrator  jaringan dan infrastruktur ITB di sela-sela kewajiban, as there are still academics requirement for them to fulfil.

Wahyu's got an experience in this

"I was preparing for the next day's exam. At night, I was informed that there was problem in ITB central email, due to the server being down. Then I repaired the server the whole night and i had to re-take the course in the next semester," said Wahyu.

"But i never regretted it. ITB is the resemblance of a giant laboratory for network and internet, with 15.000 users and more than 4.000 computers. Oftentimes, other campuses imitated what IT ITB did. The chance offered to me to become part of this laboratory is extremely precious."

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