KMMI Program, the Bridge for Students to Create Innovational Products with Commercial Value
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Indonesian Student Micro-Credential Program (KMMI) is a breakthrough from Kemenristekdikti for the Free Learning-Merdeka Campus (MBKM) program. Through this program, the students are given the freedom to study on other campuses to develop their creative and innovative skills that are necessary for the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Four programs are available for ITB students, namely Entrepreneurship Development, Startup Incubation, Acceleration Bootcamp, and IP3 (International Preparation Program).
The participants can claim 3 study credits (SKS), be provided with funds, earn monthly allowances, and be guided by competent and respectable mentors from various fields. The opening ceremonial of KMMI ITB 2021 was held on Monday (6/9/2021) virtually. The event which was themed "Elevate Your Incredible Idea to Create New World" was attended by more than 700 participants.
In his opening remarks, Director of Student Affairs ITB, Dr. G. Prasetyo Adhitama, M.Sn., said, "Hopefully this program can produce various innovative products that have commercial value. In addition, so that the students from various alma mater can interact and exchange ideas."
On the implementation of this program, according to Dr. Prasetyo, Ditmawa ITB is cooperating with the Institute for Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship (LPIK) ITB, ITB Career Center, and The Greater Hub SBM ITB to manage this whole program.
The same thing was also conveyed by Dr. Ir. Sigit P. Santosa, M.SME., as the Head of LPIK ITB. "Entrepreneurship culture is being developed at ITB and not limited to doing business, but also innovation and implementation so that the students can be the agent of change who can provide direct impact to the community."
Sonny Rustiadi, M.B.A., Ph.D., as the Head of Sub Directorate of Professional and Entrepreneurship Development ITB Career Center also conveyed his hope for the participants of KMMI ITB during his remark. "This pandemic actually encourages opportunities for distant learning and hopefully this program will give birth to young techno entrepreneurs that are ready to compete in the industrial market."
The speakers then proceeded to explain the various available programs. Begin with its objective, its duration, various activities models that are planned, the lecturer and mentor that will teach the class, outcomes of the programs that are to be achieved, and the implementation of the program's assessment and evaluation. Those explanations were conveyed by the Head of Sub Directorate of Professional and Entrepreneurship Development ITB Career Center, the Head of Development Division of LPIK ITB, and the Director of The Greater Hub SBM ITB.
In this opening ceremony, a seminar with speakers from various fields of the business industry was also being held. The first speaker is the Co-Founder of Agate Studio, Aditia Dwiperdana. He thoroughly explained the stages of game development and game commercialization.
The next speaker is Gesa Falugon, the CEO of Ramesia. Gesa shared his bitter and sweet experiences in trying various business models since he was a student of Material Engineering ITB. The final speaker is Islami Javad, the Co-Founder of BIM. He described the investment issues in the development stage of new startups.
The event was closed with closing remarks from the speakers for the participants of KMMI ITB to continue to ignite their enthusiasm and confidence in doing business.
Reporter: Maharani Rachmawati Purnomo (Oceanography, 2020)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)