After 5 Years of Hiatus, the 2023 KM ITB XI Olympiad is Back
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - After a 5 year long hiatus, the XI KM ITB Olympics is back to bring back the flame of spirit that has been lost for a long time. The XI KM ITB Olympics is a series of sporting events to bond all the elements at ITB, starting from fellow HMJ (Student Association of Majors), academics, sports UKM, and campus masses.
This year, the XI KM ITB Olympics will be enlivened by 9 sports divisions consisting of 7 offline sports and 2 e-sports branches, and will be closed by a color run which will be held simultaneously with the closing ceremony.
The opening ceremony for the XI KM ITB 2023 Olympics was held on Sunday, 5 February 2023 at the ITB East Campus Center Field. The event started with an opening speech from Azhar Faishal Aly (TA'20) as Chief Executive of the 2023 KM ITB XI Olympics, Pocut Nurulya Zulisa (PL'18) as Acting Chair of the KM ITB Cabinet, and Dr. Epin Saepudin M.Pd., as Head of the Sub Directorate of Student Organizations and Student Achievement Development from the Directorate of Student Affairs ITB. Rightly so as a sports competition, the XI KM ITB Olympics was opened with a torch procession and a reading of the athlete's oath.
The torch procession involved all HMJ who were present. The Head of the HMJ, the Head of the HMJ Sports Division, and representatives from each sport came onto the stage. When the Head of HMJ proceeded with their oration, the Head of the Sports Division of HMJ waved their respective HMJ flags. The procession was closed by greetings from each student association. The opening ceremony was seen to be mostly enlivened by the Mining Engineering and Petroleum Engineering masses. After the torch procession and athlete's oath reading were completed, the opening ceremony was closed with a band performance.
Sports matches will start soon on Tuesday, 7 February 2023 with volleyball. Every element in ITB seemed eager to participate and enliven the biggest sports event in ITB.
Reporter: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)