AIR ITB, The Primary Character of the Nation’s Scholars

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, — Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) constantly cultivates the commendable characteristics of a scholar for every person in the academic community. One of them being the development of AIR ITB values.

The AIR ITB values were conveyed by the Full Professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS) ITB, Prof. Dr. M. Salman A.N., S.Si., M.Si., in his Character and Motivation Development Program (CMDP) ITB, Saturday (9/9/2023), located in the GLB II Auditorium of ITB Jatinangor Campus.

AIR ITB is an abbreviation of Adaptive, Integrity, Respectful, Initiator of Kindness, Tenacious in Spirit, and Blessed in Achievement. Moreover, Prof. Salman explained the said points of ITB to the 507 students of the Common Preparatory Stage (CPB) ITB 2023.

Firstly, the adaptive point is likened to water. Water always reforms in accordance to its vessel, yet its essence stays, as H2O. Likewise, an individual can hopefully understand and adjust themselves to the current situation, without changing their core self. “Adaptive can also mean responding or contributing positively, in an effective manner, while holding on to their true spiritual principles and longstanding moral values,” he explained.

Accordingly, an individual’s integrity must uphold the values of honesty, responsibility, as well as loyal one’s own commitment.

Integrity means having the commitment to be consistent in behavior, between what one is doing and what one is saying, based on the values that they believe in. Those values are honesty, discipline, and responsibility. Moving on, the value of being respectful, likened to a paddy, the richer its inside, the lower it bows. The character of humility taught individuals to position themselves properly and rightfully, accepting one’s weaknesses and always striving to repent from it. “Humble individuals always respect their parents and teachers, never belittling their peers,” he added.

He also reminded the students to always act as an initiator of kindness. As a person, especially a scholar with the opportunity to learn and seek knowledge, it is only given that such an individual possesses the self-awareness to think and do good, actively and exceedingly.

“Next is tenacious in spirit. This character means an individual is relentless and shows their utmost fighting spirit in reaching their goals. Fighting tenaciously requires the heart, mind, words, and body, all in line,” he stated.

Last but not least, is blessed in achievement by the Almighty. He reminded that at their core, humans live to worship God. Therefore, each step taken must exist with God’s graces in mind. Likewise with achievements, every attainment approved by God will always bring forth goodness for its bearer, as well as the people around them.

The AIR ITB character is very relevant, especially in the lives of new ITB students who will face various challenges in their journey onwards. He sincerely hoped that these values could serve as a foundation for one to stay in the corridor of the scholar, blessed by God.

Reporter: Putri Nur Azizah (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, 2021)

Translator: Firzana Aisya (Bioengineering, 2021)

Editor: Kezia Hosana

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