ITB Displace Entrance Fee for 2013 Fresh Students
By Akbar Syahid Rabbani
Editor Akbar Syahid Rabbani

According to the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsyah Suryadi and Director of Public Relation, Dr. Marlia Singgih, starting in 2013 there is no up-front tuition fees in 2012 the amount of 55 million rupias, in other words to study at ITB 2013 freshman class did not have to pay tuition fees in advance. One thing that needs to be known by the public is based on data obtained in 2012, students who pay full tuition fees in advance only accounts for 20% of the total number of new students accepted in the ITB, and the other 80% get a subsidy of 0% - of 80%. The conclution is, to study at the ITB, the costs incurred in advance adjusted to the economic capacity of the parents of the new students. In addition, the cost of tuition per semester at the ITB is 0-10 million rupias, it depends on the family's economic circumstances of prospective students. The goal is no youth people of the Indonesia nation's can not study in ITB due to economic problems.
ITB steps to eliminate tuition for new students in 2013 is a follow up of the determination made by the DIKTI that the new student academic year 2013/2014 exempted from tuition. Removal is because PTN Operational Assistance (BOPTN) received by PTN increased. For ITB itself, BOPTN received this year reached 175 billion rupias.
Meanwhile, for the scholarship program ''Bidik Misi'', 20% of the total quota of new students accepted at ITB 2013 will cater for students from economically weak. This means they have a chance to get a scholarship ''Bidik Misi''''. So, in addition to the cost of tuition per semester that can be said to be free, students get scholarships ''Bidik Misi'' also get cost of living.
The existence of ITB as a quality college but still reached all circles was reinforced by statements drawn up by the Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbud who also had served as Rector of ITB in 2005 - 2010, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc., "ITB has always been sort of interesting tuition is quite expensive at around Rp 45 million for each student. Meanwhile, the cost per semester alone reached Rp 5 million. Actually, Rp 45 million was not tuition, but tuition fees are paid in advance. So if for example the student is dropped in the first year, the money is returned, If drop out in second year, 50 percent refunded. If it fails in its fourth year, returned 25 percent. "said Djoko.
With tuition waivers granted by the ITB as one of the best universities in Indonesia, of course, everyone hopes that the noble goals of education for the intellectual life of the nation can be achieved and Indonesia could be a superpower in the future, someday.
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ITB steps to eliminate tuition for new students in 2013 is a follow up of the determination made by the DIKTI that the new student academic year 2013/2014 exempted from tuition. Removal is because PTN Operational Assistance (BOPTN) received by PTN increased. For ITB itself, BOPTN received this year reached 175 billion rupias.
Meanwhile, for the scholarship program ''Bidik Misi'', 20% of the total quota of new students accepted at ITB 2013 will cater for students from economically weak. This means they have a chance to get a scholarship ''Bidik Misi''''. So, in addition to the cost of tuition per semester that can be said to be free, students get scholarships ''Bidik Misi'' also get cost of living.
The existence of ITB as a quality college but still reached all circles was reinforced by statements drawn up by the Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbud who also had served as Rector of ITB in 2005 - 2010, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc., "ITB has always been sort of interesting tuition is quite expensive at around Rp 45 million for each student. Meanwhile, the cost per semester alone reached Rp 5 million. Actually, Rp 45 million was not tuition, but tuition fees are paid in advance. So if for example the student is dropped in the first year, the money is returned, If drop out in second year, 50 percent refunded. If it fails in its fourth year, returned 25 percent. "said Djoko.
With tuition waivers granted by the ITB as one of the best universities in Indonesia, of course, everyone hopes that the noble goals of education for the intellectual life of the nation can be achieved and Indonesia could be a superpower in the future, someday.
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