American Corner ITB: Environmental Journalism, A Perspective from American West
By Holy Lovenia
Editor Holy Lovenia

BANDUNG, – The Embassy of USA in collaboration with American Corner of ITB held a discussion that carry the theme “Environmental Journalism: A Perspective from American West” on Friday (25/08/17) at 13.00 at American Corner Room, Perpustakaan Pusat ITB. The discussion was presented by Matthew Frank, a journalism expert and a professor of University of Montana’s School of Journalism, USA, who also writes feature news for regional journalism—O’Connor Center for the Rocky Mountain West.
Preserving the quality of environment is indeed important for human live. However, economical needs such as electric generator should also be considered by the community to build businesses and infrastructures. Alternative energy sources such as geothermal, biomass, solar panel, wind, or soil are showing growth, improving their feasibility for mass production.
As the biggest exporter of coal and oil, Indonesia is currently undergoing crisis where its fossil fuel is lacking the demand in energy economy. It happens because the community begin to be aware of negative effects coming from the utilization of coal for the environment. Therefore, accurate and effective dissemination will bring about great impact to the opinion formation concerning environmental and energy issues, especially to journalists and concerned individuals, as well as the stakeholders. Favorable and accurate journalism concerning environmental and energy issues will guide the community to the real issues faced by nations worldwide, and provide different point of view to energy utilization and economy.
Hence, in the occasion, Matthew Frank reviewed the role of mass media in covering the issue of environment and energy, media reporting tactics, and current environmental issues facing USA and Indonesia. The discussion opened with energy utilization trend in Montana which shifts from coal to other energy sources. The discussion aimed to explain how to use mass media to form public opinion regarding environmental and energy issues.