Astrid Novianti’s Tips to Study Abroad in America Through IISMA
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, — IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards) is a program planned by the Ministry of Education and Culture to study abroad. Thanks to IISMA, one of the students from ITB, Astrid Novianti Hasanah, got the chance to study at UPenn (University of Pennsylvania) for 4 months.
Astrid was one of IISMA's first-batch recipients and left Indonesia on 25 August 2021. “The registration starts by submitting an essay, letter of recommendation, and certificate of the English proficiency assessment,” she said. “After the documents were screened, selected candidates will be called for an interview.”
The allotted time to sign up for the IISMA program was short- the period was open for only two weeks. Astrid admitted that taking care of the requirements was quite troublesome but soon realized that actively asking and searching for solutions is the key to conquering it. Additionally, she must answer four questions given by the IISMA committee in essay format.
“When responding to questions from both essay and interview, our English skills, academic capabilities and experiences will make us shine. To put it simply, we must brand ourselves as our best versions,” Astrid shared. Participants do not need to dwell on their GPA and English proficiency test results as long as their minimum scores are attained.
This relatively new program faced many risks, such as the possibility to graduate late, the uncertain number of credits taken, and other issues that are not fully concrete. In some cases, students must pay additional fees due to the scholarship's reimbursement system.
Casting aside her doubts, Astrid decided to register and was glad to secure the fully-funded prospect of studying abroad. She can finally experience a new academic environment.
“UPenn is part of the Ivy League, and I noticed significant differences in its academic system, courses, assignments, and interactions with professors compared to Indonesia. I learned a lot from these differences, and it fueled my excitement to study more,” Astrid reminisced. The Ivy League is an association of 8 prestigious universities in the US.
Deciding on an exchange university depends on the person’s goals, selected courses, and the language spoken in the country. “I picked UPenn because of its good biotech department and aspire to study in America for my masters' program. I can also practice my English speaking skills to boost my confidence, improve my communication skills and adapt to the new environment,” she continued.
Astrid enrolled in 4 courses outside her study program (biomedical engineering) in hopes of learning new materials unavailable in Indonesia. On another note, she met numerous people from diverse backgrounds and experiences; she thought the stories shared by these people were fascinating to listen.
Albeit being miles away from home, Astrid was actively involved in the Indonesian Student Association of UPenn. One of the heart-warming moments she experienced was showcasing Indonesian culture during PICF (Penn Indonesian Cultural Fair) 2021. She, along with other Indonesian students, performed the Sigeh Pengunten dance from Lampung.
The IISMA program taught Astrid that she could be more adaptive, receptive, and confident. With her newfound knowledge, she wished to contribute and empower society by developing inclusive biomedical technologies in the future.
“Just go for it! There might be a few considerations at the beginning, but it will all be worth it with the experiences and rewards. IISMA truly is a life-changing program, so it is best to stay open-minded and not let the opportunity go to waste,” Astrid stated.
Reporter: Maharani Rachmawati Purnomo (Oseanografi, 2020)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Teknik Lingkungan, 2019)