Chemical Engineering Students of ITB Won International Case Study Competition PGD UI 2019

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Two students of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Felicia Shelly and Nusatio Edwin Wirya won International Case Study Competition organized by Universitas Indonesia on 23rd March 2019 in Jakarta. They competed with students from various universities in Indonesia and abroad, especially National University of Singapore.

In the competition that carried the theme Process Engineering Day 2019, Felicia and Edwin had to solve study cases regarding petrochemicals in Indonesia. This taught them about the problem faced by Indonesia’s petrochemicals. They proposed a solution in the form of an app and development applicable to Indonesia’s petrochemicals industry in the future.

Feli, Felicia’s nickname, said that one of her motivation to participate is to develop herself. She believes that she need more lesson than that from campus to prepare for future. “You have to get the real taste of the real world,” she said.

Since the beginning of the competition until being announced as the winner, Felicia and Edwin took the competition seriously. They often got home late to prepare for the competition, especially when consulting to their lecturer, and thus giving up their play time and rest. Feli said that participating in the competition gave her enormous insight.

As a team, Feli and Edwin complemented each other. Edwin had more role in the research, while Felicia had more role in the methodology, presentation, and delivery to audiences. They successfully ran their timeline systematically. They also trained themselves in answering questions that might be asked during presentation session.

“We work systematically, that we even make a timeline. We met almost every day to conduct research,” said Felicia.

The most memorable moment for them is when they gave final presentation at Universitas Indonesia. The audiences showed responses beyond their expectation. They made the jury believe their solution is feasible, clear, and has added value. This bring them to the first place in I-Cast PGD UI 2019, followed by National University of Singapore on the second place.

Besides International Case Study, the competition saw five other competition. Paper competition, chemical product design competition, quiz on petrochemicals, electrical car competition, and Model United Nation.

To other fellow students, Felicia gave her word, “There are many awesome people in ITB. We have to take many opportunities, dare to get out of comfort zone,” She said.

Reporter: Moch Akbar Selamat (Management 2020)

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