Chief of National Intelligence Agency Gave a Public Lecture at ITB

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – At the end of this January on Wednesday (31/1/2018). Institut Teknologi Bandung held Studium Generale (SG). The SG was addressed by the number one person in National Intelligence Agency (BIN), Drs. Budi Gunawan, S.H, M.Si, Ph.D, who carried out the theme “Intelligence of Indonesian: Institution, Intuition and Innovation”.

ITB Rector, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi, gave a warm welcome to the Chief and his staffs at Aula Barat ITB. ITB Rector expressed his gratitude for the time Drs. Budi Gunawan allocated for the public lecture and hoped students can gather broader knowledge and insight.

Attended by about 800 people, Chief of BIN, Budi Gunawan, began the lecture with expressing his gratitude for the chance he got from ITB. “(We) as the head of BIN and all its staffs, says thank you for the invitation to come here at Aula Barat which has been a historic building since the establishment of ITB in 1920”. He continued, “We know that ITB is the abbreviation of ‘Institut Teknologi Bandung’, but today’s kids say that ITB is ‘Institut Terkenal Banget’ (Very Famous Institute), or to us at BIN, ITB is ‘Ini Teman BIN’ (This is BIN’s ally),” and followed with applause from the students and guests who attended the lecture.

In facing the challenges of the changing era, BIN’s Chief affirmed the need for ITB and BIN to collaborate as the national pillar for innovation system. “Classic intelligence pattern solely on human intelligence cannot answer to the challenge of the era. This is the time BIN enter the intelligence 3.0 era by applying technology intelligence. Hence, collaboration with higher education such as ITB is obligatory, just like CIA which collaborates with MIT in the US. Reputable university in technology is the backbone of intelligence agency in many developed countries,” said Budi Gunawan.

Budi Gunawan further explained that ITB is the most advanced institution in the field of technology in Indonesia and has qualified human resources. “Several existing technology in ITB can help overcoming Cyber War that could potentially tear the nation and cause vertical and horizontal conflicts. In addition, drone radar, nuclear, biology, and chemistry technology developed by ITB is very beneficial for intelligence and national security”, said Budi Gunawan.

At the end of public lecture, Budi Gunawan gave students the opportunity to ask questions. Also present during the lecture was the Chair of ITB Academic Senate, Prof. Indratmo, Head of ITB Professor’s Forum, Prof. Tutuka Ariadji, Vice Rectors and Deans of Faculties/Schools. Acting as the moderator was Prof. Deddy Kurniadi who currently serves as Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) ITB.

After giving a lecture at Aula Barat, BIN’s Chief attended the signing of MoU between BIN and ITB at Aula Timur. In the signing, BIN and ITB agreed on various collaboration in innovation research that covers the development of intelligence technology products, development of cyber intelligence technology, improvement of human resources (SDM), and management in intelligence technology.

ITB Rector, Kadarsah Suryadi, said that there are 102 existing research groups in ITB and some of them could support the development and utilization of intelligence innovation technology in Indonesia. “Through this collaboration, some positive collaboration is expected to occur between BIN and ITB, because ITB is not only for ITB, but also for the people and the nation.” concluded Kadarsah.

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