ITB Organized a Seminar and Workshop on Acid Mine Drainage and Its Management
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Acid Mine Drainage is an environmental problem resulted from mineral and coal mining activities. As a respond to that problem, Indonesian Network for Acid Drainage (INAD) in cooperation with Mining Engineering Research Group organized the sixth national seminar and workshop on acid mine drainage and its management in Indonesia. The event was held on Wednesday (18/9/2019) at Aula Barat of ITB.
“The seminar and workshop aim to be a place to communicate and share experiences and ideas regarding mine drainage management and system,” said Prof. Rudy Sayoga Gautama in the opening presentation on the status of AMD management in Indonesia.
He added that AMD comes from reaction between sulfide with oxygen and water on mineral or coal stocks and produce acidic liquid. The acidic liquid can dissolve heavy metals and cause significant environmental pollution if it pollute public water source.
The event was attended by Director of Coal Supervisory and Business, Muhammad Hendrasto who explained that Indonesia’s natural wealth is an asset and source of life for the people and the nation. Its limited amount must be managed and maintained for sustainable use.
Other topics presented on the seminar are Culture of Microbes for AMD Bio-Remediation through Public Approach as an Effort to Implement Sustainable and Good Mining Practice which is explained by Zulkifli Almujahid, Analysis of Water Quality Management in Former Mining Pits (Void Using Water Hyacinth Plants [Eichornia Crassipes]) and Organic Substrate at PT. ABC by Asri Fridtriyanda and Classification Method of Waste Rocks for Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage by Considering AMD Potential in a Short and a Long Term by Prof. Takashi Sasaoka.
Reporter: Ahyar (Metallurgical Engineering 2018)